Long Live The King!

Start from the beginning


Godzilla is back up on his feet. He has used the energy from Mothra to not only give him back his strength but to also give him this temporary form. Mikoto plan of distracting Ghidorah was a success. Now all that is left if for Godzilla to put down this monster once and for all and put an end to this nightmare as well.


With Godzilla.................

When Godzilla finished roared, he glared at his ancient enemy Ghidorah. Ghidorah middle head turn around when he heard the roar.

Noticing what is about to happen, Touma and Mikoto quickly got out of there. There was no where they could hide on the surface. So they quickly found a manhole cover, a entrance to the sewers. Not giving time to regret their choice, they jumped down there and covered back up the entrance.

When Ghidorah notice it was Godzilla back up on his feet, he turned his body around to face him. All three heads begin to flare their horns at him while roared and snapping their jaws at Godzilla.

"YOU!!!! IMPOSSIBLE!!!! HOW ARE YOU BACK UP ON YOUR FEET SO QUICKLY???" Yelled all the three heads of Ghidorah

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"YOU!!!! IMPOSSIBLE!!!! HOW ARE YOU BACK UP ON YOUR FEET SO QUICKLY???" Yelled all the three heads of Ghidorah.

"Its because of Mothra and my friend Mikoto. Not only did the lighting from Mikoto and the energy from Mothra give me back my energy, it also give me a new power to final defeat you once and for all Ghidorah!" Said Godzilla.

This made Ghidorah just laugh. Ghidorah was thinking that Godzilla was bluffing and that he was getting too full of himself.

"HA HA HA HA HAHAHAHAHA!" Laughed Ghidorah. 

"If you are so sure that you can defeat me, then give me your best shot!" Said all three heads of Ghidorah.

"Okay. Just remember, you asked for it monster." Said Godzilla.

Godzilla eyes begin to glow orange. His body begin to hunch over. The humming sound was heard as he was charging out this attack. His dorsal fins begin to glow orange. As each dorsal fin glows, electricity begins to surround it.

Ashe was done charging. He released a giant fiery dome that has Mothra wing patterns in it as it continue to expand. His Nuclear Pulse

 His Nuclear Pulse

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