Mission 07: Dance Night

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Y/n's POV

Tomorrow's the day for the Vytal Festival and I'm not qualified to fight because Ozpin said he will allow me to fight at the finals.

Right now, I'm at Glynda's combat class and I'm watching Pyrrha kick Team CRDL's ass.

Jaune: "Go Pyrrha!"

Nora: "Break their legs!"

Cardin tried to sneak behind her while his Teammate distract her but she quickly bash him in the face with her shield.

Y/n: "Your shield got dirty Pyrrha."

Pyrrha: "I'll clean it later!"

She throw her shield at Russel and used her Semblance at her shield, hitting The rest of Team CRDL.

Glynda: "The fight is over! Pyrrha is the winner!"

Y/n: "Wait, that was a fight?"

Jaune: "Way a go Pyrrha!"

Yang: "You should have kicked their ass more!"

Glynda: "We still have more time. Does anyone like to participate?"

Mercury: "I will."

Glynda: "Who would you like tobattle?"

Mercury: "Him."

He pointed at me.

Glynda: "I'm sorry but, your gonna have to pick another opponent."

Mercury: "Why? Is he the VIP in the ring?"

Y/n: "No. Just the Final Boss that no will beat."

Glynda: "Mr. Redgrave has a set of skills that no Huntsman in training can defeat easily. Not even a professional Huntsman."

Mercury: "Won't believe that unless I see it with my own eyes."

Y/n: "So you look'n to play huh?"

I get up and stretch my arms out.

Y/n: "Alright, I got some time to kill."

I hop down on the arena and face against Mercury.

Mercury: "Aren't you getting your weapons?"

Y/n: "I was about to ask the same thing."

Mercury: "My leg is my weapon."

Y/n: "Maybe I can use this as a weapon for now."

I grab a pencil under my coat and everyone starts to whisper thinking that I'm crazy.

Glynda: "Does both fighters ready?"

Mercury: "All set.

Y/n: "Let's make this quick."

Glynda: "Begin!"

Mercury rush at me, try to kick me in the head but I just dodge each kick without moving from my spot.

Y/n: "Wow, your kick are so slow."

Mercury: "I'll show you!"

He tried to tackle me but I just raised my fist and it hit into his face. He fell down while holding his nose in pain.

Y/n: "I didn't even put force on my fist yet."

Mercury: "Why you!"

I grab a Fedora out of nowhere and put it on my head.

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