Bone Dry

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I tossed a boomerang

Called love

And expected it to come right back

Like a slingshot at full speed

But it never did

I think that it's best

That I hold on to myself

Like the glue

That keeps me whole

Also known as love

It's a metaphoric ligament

That protects my soul

My oh so precious soul

That could derail

And shatter itself

From the acts

Of itself

Love is a piece of me

That I've cut into

Minuscule pieces

Willing to share

With those I have entrusted

But it seems I've blindly

Walked into a cave of lions

That have left me bone dry

With no tears left to cry

No hours left to sleep

No love left to heal

No love left for me

I've exhibited myself

Like an array of

Freshly picked summer mulberries

That come in various hues

But I am the white berry

Tempting, innocent, and frail

So plump that it falls off the stem

With just a touch: a mere movement

But too many berries were taken

From my lone tree

And now I'm left with dry branches

Like my dry heart

Because I loved so much

Too much

There's none left

I think I am

Just an object

That people forget to

Reciprocate love to

Because it feels

So good

To be loved

Like a parched ocean

Like a fish out of water

Like a sunset at 10 am

My body feels displaced

Out of its element

In the desert of my empty self

I'm bone dry

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