When the Nile Sings

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My hair drifts with the beat of the wind

My dress is crafted with prime Giza cotton: a breathable, warm layer

My limbs unwind to the countryside music

My canoe yields to the rhythm of the Nile

Escorted by the ever so light swoosh of the creatures that call the sweet water home

The rocks kiss the Nile in delight

The Lotus blossoms emanate an oh, so sweet fragrance

and the Papyrus Reeds remind me of how the Egyptians

Left us with a surface and a passion to write

The birds hum

as I take in what encompasses the River:

The crystal-like sand dunes made specially for the camel's padded hoof

The deep rooted palm trees that release the sweet desert fruits

Along with the evident, robust smell of the Earth's soil

They all smile at the bank of water

Recalling it as the source of vitality

The sound I love to hear the most is the rippling

Of the River

The same water that quenched the thirst of our ancestors:

The very water that the Pharaohs touched

And left behind a memory book within the stream of the Nile

As I make my way through beauty

Engulfed in Earth's most pure element: water

Nostalgic thoughts pass

My mind


Reeling in the days that passed when I watched the river banks flow




Into the iridescent horizon

When the sun sets on the Nile

The powerful and radiant sun that Nefertiti admired

You will see clearly how nature

Was Egypt's first friend

I long for the world to see and feel

The soft, slow, and beautiful

Rhythm of the Nile

When it sings


Painting: Moushera Maaraba of the Divine Arts of Egypt Project and Barb Cram of Falls Church Arts, Inc. The papyrus painting is called "A New Legacy – Contemporary Art of Egypt present in the U.S.

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