When God Breathed On Me

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It all started when I took my breaths as a youth;

I cradled the wind that made me feel at home.

It all continued when I allowed this wind 

to distribute its comfort throughout my barren torso,

to engulf me in an unforseen embrace.

It all ended when I finally woke up one day,

and realized that I wasn't young anymore-

because only the young could break away,

redemption kept my covers clean.

I was lost when the wind blew,

but I wasn't young anymore.

Only the young could break away. 

And I finally realized that

this wind brought out the sun.

I told myself that the sun would shine again-

I looked for a sign,

and that sign was the whisper of my soul.

I closed my eyes, 

took a breath, 

and asked,

"Why do you worry?,

For you are weary

that you lost control."

The reply was not from within my existence,

the answer came from the heavens above-

the voice was from before my existence;

the Creator.

The voice spoke again,

"Turn around."

And I did. 

That was when the wind threw me to the ground.

"I got you. You won't fall down."

The wind was my embrace,

but the impact was His love.

How I Became The SeaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora