Chapter 19

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(Art by: munchkin_witch)

Third Person POV

"Well now, better start cleaning up this mess! This is no environment to bring a baby into!"

Everyone immediately looked up from their distraction device, even Remus. Logan's mouth, quite literally, dropped open with wide eyes.

"Patton, please, I beg of you, not another one!" Logan pleaded, at his husband's side within seconds.

"What's his name?!" Remus asked, also running over, excitedly.

"Or her!" Roman added, with the same enthusiasm, running up beside Remus.

"It better be a boy. I need a new brother," Remus stated.

Insert offended Princey noises here.

"You guys!" Patton settled them and chuckled at his famILYs sillyness, "it's not our baby! Meet your new baby cousin!"

With that introduction, suddenly Lyn walked in with a newborn baby in a carrier, wrapped up in blankets with it's eyes closed, seemingly asleep.

Logan visibly relaxed and let out a sigh of relief, hands on Patton's shoulders.

Dean walked over with Virgil in his arms, smiling down at the baby.

The twins inhaled with excitement both staring at the baby with stars in their eyes, trying to contain squeals. They had never really seen a baby up close before.

"She's a girl and her name is Lydia," Lyn said, smiling softly at her baby.

Charles, Lyn's boyfriend, was right behind her, smiling down at his daughter as well. Ash had walked in and was right beside them as well, along with Eva.

"Boys, you remember your aunty Lyn and aunty Eva and uncle Charles right?" Patton asked.

The twins looked up at the three then back at their father and shook their heads 'no' simultaneously.

"I'm your aunty Lyn," the one holding the carrier with the baby inside said.

"I'm your aunty Eva," the one standing beside Lyn said.

"We're identical twins like you!" They both said simultaneously.

Indeed Roman and Remus were identical twins, but their clothing and extremely different personalities made them easy to tell apart.
Eva and Lyn, however, were completely different stories.

They both had night black hair in a bob cut that went to their neck and curled neatly inward. Both had beautiful bright blue eyes (there's some alliteration for ya XD) and pretty pale skin, not enough to look sickly like Remus and Virgil but more fair like Snow White. Their lips and cheeks were naturally rosey and pink and they had perfect black winged eye liner, bringing out their blue eyes even more. Both were thin with nice figures and intimidating but kind features. And both seemed to love purple.

Though there was a slight difference to them, as all identical twins had.

Lyn seemed to wear more short dresses and skirts, looking quite feminine. Eva seemed to wear more blouses and skinny jeans that showed her figure nicely, still looking feminine, but more modern. Eva had a beauty mark under her left eye and Lyn had a beauty mark above the right side of her lip. That was the only distinct difference from each other if you put them in the same clothes and took a photo of both and told someone to point them apart.

"Whoa...!" Roman and Remus said, gazing in wonder at their similarities.

The twins then looked at each other. They didn't look identical. Did they? They didn't think so.

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