Chapter 3

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Third Person POV

Patton lead Virgil across the street and into the house as Dean got to work. Opening the front door, the two saw Logan sitting at the dining table while Roman and Remus were seemingly playing tag very loudly. Upon hearing the loud noises, Virgil hid behind Patton's leg.

"Kiddos!" Patton called.

Roman and Remus continued to play as Patton walked over to Logan, picking Virgil up as he was clearly scared to be there. Virgil seemed hesitant, not used to being held by anyone except Dean, but also was glad for the comfort.

"Logan, can you call the kids? They're not listening to me."

"What makes you think that they'll listen to me?"

"Can you please just try?"

Logan sighed, "kids, line up, right now!" He ordered sternly.

Roman and Remus immediately came running over. At first all attention was on Logan, then Roman noticed the anxious toddler in Patton's arms and instantly got excited.

"Yay, Virgil's back!" Roman jumped excitedly as Remus groaned.

"Yep and that's why I'm going to need you guys to play nicely with him, can you do that?" Patton asked, talking more so to Remus.

"Yes! I will protect Virgil with my life!" Roman vowed, unsheathing his foam sword from the back of his white dress up prince costume.

Patton smiled at Roman then looked at Remus expectingly.

"Fine.." he muttered.

"Good," Patton smiled, letting Virgil down.

"Come on, Virgil, let's go play!" Roman called, following Remus upstairs to their room.

Virgil looked up at Patton, his face seeming to ask either 'Can I?' Or 'do I have to?' To which Patton replied with actual words, "Go play, kiddo!"

Virgil hesitantly crawled up the stairs to get to Remus and Roman's room.

"Virgil, we're going to play kingdom! I'm the prince, you're the princess and Remus is the evil duke!" Roman said as soon as Virgil got into the room, "we don't exactly have a princess dress but we have this weird black skirt thing that you can wear!"

Virgil stared at him for a moment before giving a light shrug, putting on the black skirt over his black pants. 

(Originally a drawing by me here but it looked really bad so I just got rid of it)

Virgil looked down at the skirt, it felt kinda weird, he had never wore anything like it before, but at the same time, he kind of liked it. It made him feel elegant and swooshie!

"Okay, now you go to the top of the tower so that I can rescue you from the evil villain!" Roman said, pointing to a wall.

Virgil looked at the wall then back to Roman, confused.

Roman sighed, "the bed.. the bed is the tower."

Virgil looked down a bit to see what seemed to be Roman's bed with Remus sitting on the floor in front of it, preoccupied with picking his nose. Virgil walked over, putting his spider on the bed then climbed onto it himself.

Thus Roman began his tale.

"Once upon a time there was a Prince Roman and a Princess Virgil," Roman started.

Remus turned to Virgil and whispered, "here we go again."

"And Princess Virgil was locked away in a tower by the evil Duke Remus!" Roman pointed at the two.

Remus pretend twirled his fake moustache and did an evil laugh. Roman looked at Virgil expectantly as Virgil did nothing.

"Now you say 'oh no, Prince Roman please save me!'" Roman informed, to which Virgil still did nothing, giving Roman a look that lowkey said 'that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard'. "Well it was worth a shot." Roman muttered.

"So Prince Roman traveled far and wide in search for the tower that his princess waited for him at! He came through sandstorms, snowstorms, jungle vines, big oceans and mountains, but he never gave up! And finally he found the tower!"

Virgil listened to Roman's dramatic tale and watched as he acted out each scene he described with big eyes. Dee had read him a few bedtime stories when he had woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep, but it was nothing like how Roman was telling it. Dean only TOLD the story but Roman EXPRESSED the story through actions and the different emotions in the words, making Virgil feel like it was real.

"You! The dreadful villain Duke Remus! Let me take Princess Virgil and go in peace or face the blade of my sword!" Roman intimidated, pulling out his sword, drawing it in front of him.

"Fine, sure, go ahead."

"Wait, really?" Roman asked, lowering his sword in confusion.

"Nope!" Remus yelled, whipping out his foam mace and bashing Roman on the head with it.

Virgil jumped at the sudden loud noise and eyes widened in worry and shock at the physical contact.

"Ow, Remus, that hurt!" Roman said, breaking character, tears beginning to form in his eyes.

"Whoops, sorry." Remus laughed, he didn't sounds like he was actually sorry. .. Which he wasn't.

"It's not funny!" Roman cried.

Virgil got down from his 'tower' and walked over to Roman. The hurt boy wiped some of his tears to see Virgil in front of him, offering his stuffed spider. Roman was surprised, he never let anybody touch his spider except for Dean. Roman hesitantly grabbed the spider and hugged it. Surprisingly it did help him feel better.

"O-okay?" Virge asked, very quietly.

Roman blinked a bit in shock at hearing Virgil speak, but answered normally.

"Yeah, I'm okay now, Virge." Roman replied, wiping away the last of his tears and giving the spider back.

Virgil smiled.

"Well, Prince Roman thanks you for saving him!" Roman stood up and bowed.

"Am I out of trouble now?" Remus asked, poking his head out from underneath his bed, how he managed to fit under there was a mystery.

"Nope, not yet, I fear that revenge is necessary!" Roman replied, drawing out his sword dramatically.

Virgil went back to his safe spot in the tower, aka Roman's bed as Remus and Roman had an 'epic battle'


Word Count: 1,051

Date Published: July 20th, 2019

Edited: December 18th, 2019

Date Re-Published: December 27th, 2019

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