"Yeah, I've got to get my master's and docorate's first, but that's the plan." I answer her.

She nods her head slowly, "I'm going to be a doctor too." She says proudly, crossing her arms, "But a surgeon like mom."

I give her an impressed look, "Do you know what you want your specialty to be?"

She perks up, "Haven't decided, yet. I was thinking cardio like my mom, but the brain is really cool."

"I'm a big fan of the brain. It's why I chose psych."

"I'm not a fan of people, so I couldn't be a psychologist. At least as a surgeon, for the most part, their knocked out." She says casually.

I laugh at that, "That's a good point."

She seems happy with my response, familiar green eyes peering up at me, "C'mon, I'll introduce you to everyone."

She turns briskly, and leads the way through the hall. Harry leans in and whispers, "One down, five to go."

I smile at him, turning the corner to see a big living room. Football was on the TV, but no one was paying attention. It seemed as though it was on just for background noise. There was an older girl talking to a middle-aged man, and two younger girls, both on their phones sitting on the couch.

"Livy! You owe me five bucks! Harry's girlfriend is real!" Sophie yells at one of the girls on her phone.

Livy looks up, lighter brown hair than both Harry and Sophie, and what looks like brown eyes, "Huh... Really thought he was lying."

I smirked, while Harry said, "It's good to have your support, Liv."

Just like her brother, she rolls her eyes, and turns to me, "You're very pretty."

I feel my face get warm, shifting from leg to leg awkwardly, "Uh, thank you?"

She just nods her head, and returns to her phone. Harry wraps his arm around my back, hand landing on my side, and says quietly, "She's always like that. Very moody and quiet sixteen year old."

I gave him an appreciative look, "Thanks."

He kisses my temple, and turns me towards the other girl, who had tossed her phone away and stood up to greet me, "Hey, I'm Casey."

"Dani, nice to meet you." I introduce myself.

She leans in and stage whispers, "You can tell me if he's holding you hostage."

At this, Harry groans, but my nerves start to settle. I grin widely, "Honestly, I think it might be a case of Stockholm Syndrome."

She breathes out a laugh, "Well, when you're ready I've put together a support group-"

"Alright, that's enough." Harry tells her, tugging me away to walk towards the final two people in the room. They had been watching us interact with everyone, one seemingly happy, the other more judgement pouring from them. "Dani, this is my older sister, Genevieve-"

"Just call me Ginny." She says. She holds out her hand for me to shake. I'm surprised by the strength in her hands.

"Hi." I say politely, then look at the older man, "You must be Harry's step-dad?"

He smiles widely, "Yes, name's Tom."

He shakes my hand as well, and I was surprised by his lack of an accent, "You're not British?"

He chuckles, "No, I met Liz here after her and Chris divorced."

"Have you lived here your whole life?" I ask him curiously. Harry hadn't really explained too much about his family. He talks about them a lot, but his family history had been a little vague.

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