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"We need to talk."

Those are never words you want to hear in such a serious tone. Bdubs looked at the speaker, a creeper hybrid with impressive cybernetic appendages, looking at him distantly as if despite the firm tone, he didn't want to actually open up a conversation.

Bdubs instantly knew what this was about, and it unnerved him. While it was true that they had some things that should be discussed sooner rather than later, it was also painful to think about even approaching the topic. Feeling something brush against his leg, he looked down and saw several red flower buds growing at his feet. Adonis, carnations, begonias, and crimson roses spread out, taking root in both the earth and his skin. The Canadian wondered if Doc knew the deeper meaning behind the blossoms, or if they were just flowers in his mind.

Doc's eyes widened at the sight of the blooms. "We don't need to talk here, if it would help? I... I know that the sprouting can be uncomfortable for you." He offered

"Nothing about this is going to be comfortable. But you're right. We've been avoiding it for a while, huh?" He said with a bitter chuckle. "It'll only be worse somewhere else, though. There won't be anywhere but me for them to grow otherwise. And they're gonna grow real fast."

Doc nodded, attempting to hide his fear and distrust for his friend's sake. "I guess you still have that... ability, then?" He questioned. Seeing his friend nod, he felt himself ask more questions, watching to see if he was pushing too far. "Can you control it better now?"

Bdubs shrugged, not quite meeting his friend's eyes. "Usually. Not always, though." He replied uneasily. 

"Did...Did you see the fire? The one I started while we were running." 

He shook his head. "No, but I smelled the smoke. I heard the explosions." He held back a laugh. "You did quite a number on the jungle, my friend!" He added, trying to lighten the mood.

Now Doc was avoiding his gaze. "I'm sorry, man. I left you behind." 

Bdubs was horrified at the claim. "No way, man! You did what you had to do. I think we both knew that the Jungle had already claimed me."

"But it didn't. You're here, right now, despite everything that happened." He pointed out.

And that was true. Bdubs wasn't quite sure how he survived with his humanity intact. The Jungle had made everyone a bit weird, but it only had a physical effect on him. There had been a few times in there that he had found himself growing roots, which had been terrifying enough with the other NHO guys to help him get free.

"So are you, though. And it almost got you too." He added,  which was also true. While Doc had always had a more... feral side, the Jungle had been making him more monstrous. It had been clear to Bdubs that his German friend needed to get out as soon as possible, before irreversable damage had been done.  Thankfully, Doc decided to drop this part of the conversation.

"Did you ever see them again?" Doc blurt out before immediately wincing. Bdubs winced as well, but stayed quiet. 

A minute had passed before he could find the words he wanted to say. "No. No, I didn't see them. But maybe that's a good thing, because I didn't see you either." He said with a forced smile. 

Doc returned the grin, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Yeah... they're tough. They probably made it out as well."

Silence made itself known between the two once more. "We tried to go back, you know. But after the fire, it was just... gone. Nothing more than some burnt trees. Like only part of it ever really existed." Doc mused. 

"Like it wasn't completely part of the Hermitcraft Server," Bdubs nodded in thought. "But more like it existed in many different areas. Do you think all jungles are connected to the Jungle?" He asked, dreading the answer he might get.

"I don't know, but I hope you're wrong. I hope to the Void you're wrong."

"You're still keeping something from me, Doc." Bdubs noted.

Doc raised an eyebrow. "And you're not hiding anything else about what happened in there?" he pointed out.

It was rhetorical. They both knew that not everything would be shared right now. Healing takes time, after all. But they weren't avoiding it completely anymore. Nor were they avoiding one another as an extension.

It'd take time to sort out what exactly happened in the Jungle. But at least neither of them had to do it alone.


Probably going to elaborate on this, and maybe make it into its own book. Let me know if you'd like that.

So yeah, I've had ideas for this for a while now, and finally put them into words! 

Flower language is interesting. And you cannot convince me that Bdubs sprouts blossoms that fit his feelings every now and then. 

Still don't know what happened to Etho and Beef though. I mean, I've been watching some of Beef's videos recently, but there is nothing to tie in! 

Scar's pet monster is probably one of the creatures from the Jungle. At least that would explain why Doc was so scared of it. But I don't think Scar realizes that. Either that, or the jungle that that creature lives in is also part of the Jungle.

You know something's iconic when it's capitalized.

I don't know anymore, honestly.

Hope you enjoyed! Sea you later!


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