Lost in Translation

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For thebirdfantasy, Lucy_The_Llamacorn and their new writing "class", the prompt was as follows: Everyone starts speaking their natural language, and for some reason can't speak English.

So basically, chaos is about to ensue.


While drifting in the code, as he tended to do, EX found himself fighting off some bugs. He didn't really care too much if they actually caused any glitches, but it was unpleasant to have the things sneak up on you when you weren't expecting it. 

That had been what had occured just a second ago, in fact. A swarm of them had ambushed him while he was hanging around the software for the options menu, and he had been obliged to engage with them. Sword in hand, the helmeted man did his best to hold them at bay. They wouldn't stop bothering him if he didn't do this now. They were also in an area that could heavily impact a lot of the Hermits if they reached the interface. 

Not like he really cared about it.

Luckily, being Xisuma's brother/clone/whatever he was has some benefits. Much like his counterpart, he was pretty good at fighting off bugs and viruses. However, the swarm was pretty big, and while EX was able to fend most of them away quickly, one or two might have managed to make their way to the options software. 

After semi-successfully fending them off, EX went over to the options menu to see what damage had been done. Going through the code, not much seemed to be changed- wait. 

He took a closer look at the code, noticing a slight difference from how it was supposed to be. EX chuckled to himself. "This is gonna be interesting to see.." he muttered, a slight grin appearing under his helmet.

(They say if you manage to fold the fabric of the space-time continuum, you can get from one place to another almost instantaneously. Let's give it a try!)

EX popped out of the main framework of their world around what appeared to be a typical village in the middle of being renovated by some Hermits. And in fact, near what must have been one of the entrances to the place, there was a wide-eyed man talking to a guy wearing a loose-fitting white T-shirt. He seemed upset about something.

"I never should have built my house next to a military base, Bubbles. I was just chilling out in the pool, and nästa sak jag vet, Doc testar en missil av något slag, och sedan, boom, mitt hus har sitt ansikte blåst av." the wide-eyed man, whom Ex remembered as Keralis, told his companion.

The companion, Bdubs if he wasn't mistaken, looked at Keralis with a confused expression. "You lost me. Why'd you suddenly start speaking Swedish?"

Keralis tensed up at this. "Vänta, varför talar jag plötsligt svenska? Och varför kan jag inte sluta?" He asked aloud, worry creeping into his voice. Bdubs simply shook his head, not able to understand what his friend was saying. "Åh pojke ... titta in i mina ögon, bara mina ögon, vi måste hitta Shishwamy." He added, seeming to have come to a decision about something.

Bdubs nodded at this, seeming to get the gist of what his friend was saying. "Yeah, that may be a good idea. Let's go, and then maybe you can tell me more about what the Area 77 guys did to your house." 

And so the two men left, still unaware they had a tail, interested in seeing how this went.

(We are constantly traveling into the future at a rate of 1 second, but for the sake of storytelling, why don't we speed that up?)

It seemed like there was a bit of a crowd at Xisuma's base, and Ex quickly found himself getting lost in the many colorful languages that some of the hermits were speaking. Doc, Ren, Iskall, and now Keralis were all there, speaking in their native tongues, all very confused why English seemed to be evading them. 

"Wat in die wêreld is hier aan die gang, ou?" Ren asked, confusion evident in his tone. "Ek het met Impulse gepraat en skielik kon ek nie meer Engels praat nie." 

"Jag antar att du sa att du pratade med Impulse?" Iskall questioned. "Jag pratade med Mumbo när jag började tala svenska. Det var konstigt, man!"

"Dies könnte ein Problem sein. Xisuma spricht keine andere Sprache als Englisch." Doc pointed out. "Wird er verstehen, dass wir um Hilfe bitten?" He wondered, already forming a Plan B.

"Guys, guys! Look, I'm not sure what's going on, but we'll figure this out, right? Xisuma will be able to fix it." Bdubs said, trying to hide the concern in his voice. 

"I'll be able to fix what?" A voice called out as the admin appeared in his Nether tunnel.

The afflicted hermits all started speaking over one another, their native dialects twisting together to make something truly incomprehensible. Xisuma just stared at the four in surprise, while EX did his best to keep from laughing too much. English, Swedish, German, and Afrikaans all blended into a voice that was filled with confusion, annoyance, and nervousness. 

Eventually, Xisuma's eyes met his counterparts. "Did-did you do this?"

EX snorted as all of the eyes in the room turned to him. "Oh, I wish I could take credit for this. But sadly, no. It's just a bug in the system, reverting everyone back to their native language. I just wanted to see the effects of it. And I'm glad I decided to check this all out."

Xisuma sighed as he ran through the code on one of his admin screens. "Yeah, okay, this is an easy fix. Shouldn't take much longer than an hour or two. I'll get on that then.

"Danke, Xisuma."

"Tack, X."

"Tack, Shishwamy."

"Dankie, X."

"No problem guys." Xisuma replied with a nod. "Maybe afterward, I should learn a little bit of your native languages." He mused, laughing a bit. 


Okay, this is... not as good as I thought it would turn out. But yeah. Here you go.

I hope you enjoyed! Let me know what you think!

Sea you later!


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