The Race

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Important Notice! This is based on an RP that thebirdfantasy and Dolce_Chan123 did about what happens after Emily's oneshot, #GuardianAngelCub, so if you haven't read that, go do so now. We decided to make three separate endings for it. So be on the lookout for those!

Also, our minesona's are here.


Aqua had gone to the Shopping District in order to buy some potion supplies for her experiments on gills she was doing. But when she saw Cub with a new pair of angel wings, however, and Sam petting them, she ran over to investigate, her plans pushed to the back burner for now.

"Whoa, what? How do they feel? Does it hurt to have wings? Are they soft?" She blurted out, the questions coming out like a gurgling stream.

"YES, THEY ARE SO SOFT!" Sam shouted in reply, causing Aqua to stifle a laugh.

"Oh wow..." She murmured, eyes running up and down the white angel wings. They did look really soft. Aqua liked soft things. "Er, can I touch them, too?" She asked Cub.

Cub chuckled at this. "Yeah, go ahead. Everyone's touched them." He affirmed.

Aqua smiled. "Okay, I'll give it a try." She told him.

Reaching a hand out, Aqua gently stroked the plumage. She was not expecting to feel as though she was touching a cloud. Her eyes widened in shock. "Oh wow, they are really soft!" She let out with a gasp.

"I know right?!" Sam agreed, still petting them

"I mean, they're not gills, but wings are still really cool!" Aqua commented. Oh yeah, she did have to test that new potion to see if it would give her gills. But she still had time.

Sam laughed at Aqua's comment. Then, as if struck by sudden inspiration, she said, "I wonder if Cub could fly as well as Grian."

Aqua considered this. "Hmm... that's a good question...Maybe flight would come naturally, but maybe he'd take practice with the new wings?" She thought aloud. "Cub, what do you think? She asked the scientist.

Cub looked at the two of them, a fire of determination in his eyes. "I bet I could beat him instantly! Convex would rule once more!" He declared

"Nah, I think Architects would win." Sam countered.

"Did the Convex ever stop ruling?" Aqua wondered aloud, thinking of the large monopoly that the two currently had. Shaking the thoughts away, she then added. "But in all seriousness, should we test this?"

"Yes," Sam replied. Seeing the Hermit mentioned emerging from Tek To The Skies, she shouted: "G! Get over here NOW!" 

Grian headed over to the group, which had also seemed to draw the attention of Emily. The blonde builder let his signature cocky grin flash. "You called?" He asked.

"Yup." Sam replied, popping the P. "You wanna see if you're better then Cub at flying?" She offered.

Grian started laughing. "PFFT! I can beat him! I'm the master at fly-" His amusement was suddenly cut off as he saw the wings. "Oh..." He muttered as Cub gave him an evil smirk fitting of the mad scientist title.

Emily offered her thoughts on the matter. "I think Cub would be the better flyer. He has the bigger wings, and as a Convex, he does have the vex wings when he gets mad."

"Yeah, but Grian was always a master flyer," Sam argued. "No one can beat him." She claimed.

Emily grinned. "You'd be surprised!" She declared.

"I still think I can win this." Grian mused, a grin on his face.

"Well, then, let's start!" Aqua declared. She took out a map of the server and drew the course. It was straight forward enough; around the shopping district, going over every shop in an outward spiral starting from iTrade and ending at The Armorstand Book Shop. 

Once everyone understood the course, Grian and Cub both readied themselves in front of the trading center, ready to take flight on the girls' signal.

"On your mark!" Sam called.

"Get set!" Emily followed.

"GO!" All three of them shouted.

Soon enough, the three of them were watching the silhouettes of the two boys, easily neck and neck.

"They are pretty majestic..." Aqua murmured. Even someone as sea-loving as she had to admit that there was something incredible with the way that the Hermits flew.

"But who will get back here first?" Emily asked as they made their way to the finish line to see who the winner would be.

"Who knows? Oh, there's Scar, talking to Mumbo! And they have no idea about the race!" Sam pointed to the two Hermits, casually talking outside the Tek To The Skies rocket shop, the shop closest to the finish line, other than the Armorstand shop, of course. 

Emily looked at the two. "I dunno. They seem pretty chill to me." She said with a light laugh.

Sam laughed as well. "Just wait until Cub and Grian go whooshing past them." She joked.

"I don't think we have long to wait," Aqua said, pointing to two winged figures quickly heading into the area. But they were very low, and going very fast. Instantly, Aqua knew what was about to happen.

"Look out!"



"Oh no!"


A rolling ball of Hermits ended up at the feet of the three girls. Arms and legs were splayed everywhere, clothes were covered in dirt, and it was hard to tell where one person stopped and the next began. 

Aqua, Sam, and Emily looked at the amalgamation of Hermits and started helping them out of the tangled mess they had ended up in, trying to hold back laughter. 

"No one's hurt, right?" Aqua asked, holding back giggles. A series of no's met her ears.

"Who won?" Grian asked.

The three girls looked at one another for a few seconds. "Well, technically, neither you nor Cub crossed the finish line," Emily pointed out.

"So neither of you finished the race, let alone won," Sam added.

"I guess we can call it a tie?" Aqua suggested.

Grian and Cub looked at one another as if trying to read the others' thoughts on the matter. Eventually, they both nodded.

"Alright, I guess that makes sense." Cub relented, Grian nodding in agreement.

Mumbo got up, straightening his tie. "Well, I think a bit more of an explanation is in order." He said, an amused glance at everyone. 

Scar laughed. "Oh yeah, definitely. How about we chat over some lunch?" He suggested.

As the boys talked with one another, I smiled. This was quite the amusing ending to the race.


Okay, so this turned out better than I expected. Be on the lookout for the other two versions as well! 

As always, I hope you enjoyed. Comments are always appreciated!


Hermitcraft Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें