Start from the beginning

!!Oh! stupid me''
Techno said as he hit his head alittle, I completely forgot to introduce myself, he said laughing nervously as he watched the man in front of him, there was no denying the muscles in this man's body,  and he could easily break him in half if he wished too, techno thought as he noticed the prince's heated gaze on where his hands were connected with Type's, he immediately let go as if he was burnt.

''I am master type's bestfriend your highness, we have been friends since childhood''.
'' I have been by his side since his husband called on me and told me what happened'' said techno, before looking at the prince whose heated gaze was still trained on him.

Tharn decided to forget about that man for the moment and focus on the man that was most important to him.

Type was still unmoved from his spot and still looked like a ghost came to life, the spark Tharn saw all those years ago was dwindling and he had to do something, he felt responsible for this.

''Type, please come down from the carriage and join me I promise to take good care of you, I won't let any harm come to you,'' tharn said as waited for any kind of response from the other, it felt like eternity before Type looked at him, what shook him though the core was the smile Type sent his way, it wasn't the same like it use to be, but for Tharn that was all the asurrance he needed, type was going to be okay.

Type's Pov

Type woke up that morning to people saying things to him he could not really make sense of, he could here the sounds, but for some reason he could not understand what they meant. So he was reluctant to follow the lady that had been taking care of him for the past one week, but then she was motivated to get him to go with her, not stopping  but instead dragging him along, but in the end the only reason he went was because of the familiar scent of friendship he smelled coming from beside him.

They got on a carriage and made their way somewhere he could Careless to know about.
After riding for some time the carriage came to a halt and someone came out, that was when he heard more words he did not understand and really didn't see the point in concentrating on it either, so he just sat there.

Then he held it, a voice so smooth and velvety that he wanted to listen and understand. So he waited until he heard it again and this time he followed the sound out of his head and back into reality and then he saw a face so familiar that it brought a certain feeling to his chest he did not understand, all he knew at that moment was that fact that he wanted to smile and so he did.

General Pov

Tharn walked closer to the carriage, so he was standing right in front of Type as he stretch out his hand for type to take.
Type took the offered hand and stepped out of the carriage, alittle smile still on his face.

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