Chapter(F O U R T Y F O U R)

Start from the beginning

"Oooo! That one looks like a duck!", I exclaimed, pointing at another oddly shaped cloud.

"Jimin I will sit all day in this car without moving until you tell me why you don't want me at your house", he said, leaning back in his seat as we stayed situated in the middle of the street. Cars drove around us, honking as they drove past. "Take your time, I'm not in a rush"

"Okay fine. It's not that I don't want you at my house...I just don't want you meeting my father", I grunted and he cocked his head to the side.

"Why? Don't tell me you're embarrassed of me. Is it because I'm not rich?", he questioned and I denied all his assumptions.

"No no, that's not it. It's just my father can be a little frightening, especially when he's handling business", I confessed not sure if I should be telling him this.


"It doesn't matter, I just don't want you meeting my father"

"I don't get it. It would be an honor to meet one of the top famous Korean singers"

I sighed, mentally smacking myself in the face. I should've lied and made up an excuse. We haven't moved yet and I don't want to cause traffic. I know he won't move the car unless I agree for him to come over to my house.

"Fine, we can study at my house, but try not to converse with my father. He's not the man you think trust me. Oh and look friendly if he does introduce himself"

"I do look friendly naturally", he defended.

"Sorry to break it to you, but no you don't. You make Yoongi seem happy with life and that says a lot", I chucked.

"How so?", he asked, seeming offended.

"We've been friends for almost a month now and I have not once seen you laugh nor smile. I've been growing concerned about your mental state"

He sighed, "So I've been told before by my family. Just because I don't smile doesn't mean I'm sad or heartless it just means I have nothing to smile about at the moment"

"You don't find anything worth smiling about?"

"No not necessarily"

"Why is that?"

"I only smile when it's genuine. I don't get why people smile or act happy when it's not real. You know it's fake when you look in their eyes. What's the point of pretending in front of people who know the truth?"

Wow what a deep person he is...

"Some people don't know when the smile's fake"

"False. People act like they don't know so they can focus on their own problems"

"Damn, you would be a great person to call 3am"


"Never mind anyway, off to my house it is. It's getting late and I don't want people to start getting out of their vehicles", I said, he nodded driving the rest of the way to my house.

I was anxious through the whole car ride. I don't want him seeing the type of man my father is. He parked in my driveway behind my father's car. We both got out and made our way to the front entrance. I hesitated before unlocking the front door. I stepped inside first and spotted my dad at the dining table with a woman siting on the opposite end as him.

The room was dimly lit so I flickered on the lights to illuminate the house more. I closed the door behind Eun and stood still, staring at the crying young lady at the table.

The lady cried harder as she spotted me, "Help me!", she pleaded and I looked away. My father got up from his seat and turned around to face me. He had a cold hard stare before softening his face. He grinned, coming up to me with open arms.

I hugged him and Eun held out his hand to shake. They shook hands and my dad made his attention towards me. "Son, who's this fine man you have brought over to my house?", he asked, eyeing Eun.

"His name is Eun, he's a friend. He's here to help me study"

"Hello sir, it's an honor to meet you", Eun slightly bowed.

"I know it should be considering who I am", he said, smirking. "If you don't mind I have to go finish business. You guys care to join me?"

"No", I immediately answered, wanting to leave already.

"C'mon son I haven't seen you in months! I want to get to know your new friend"

"No thanks, we need to study", I said, grabbing Eun's wrist.

"Wait before you go, where is the boy?", he asked, clearly talking about the missing Jungkook.

I rolled my eyes, "He's gone. Now, can I go upstairs?"

"Where did he go?"

"I told him to leave. I didn't want him here anymore"

"Has his father paid back his debt?", he glared.

"No", I said calmly, unfazed by his death stare.

"What?! Is he planning on paying it off?"

"Probably not"

"Jimin! You can't just do whatever you want without-", he paused, taking a deep breath. "Actually never mind it. He was your gift, you were allowed to do as you please", he said, replacing his glare with a smile.

Of course, typical father

"Are we done here? I need to study"

He sighed, nodding, shooing me away with his hand. "Yes, but I hope before I have to leave tomorrow we can spend sometime together!", he suggested as I went inside my room, ignoring him.

Spend time together my ass

"Okay explain to me what the hell was that"

Enjoy Lovelies

Rich, Spoiled Brat ✔️ |Jikook|Where stories live. Discover now