Chapter(T W E N T Y S E V E N)

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Jimin's P.O.V

"Hey Jimin, wassup?", Yoongi said, slinging his arm around my shoulders. I screamed like a little girl and almost fell backwards. He held onto my arm to keep me upright. I sized him up and down. I let out a few coughs as I tried hard to contain my laugh. He saw and punched me in the arm.

"You better not say anything or laugh!", he said, holding up his fist. I covered my mouth and let out a low giggle. That's when suddenly Tae and Jin came up.

Jin was the first to burst out laughing, "Ha! What the fuck happened to you? Did you go through a whole mental breakdown?", he said, tugging Yoongi's newly colored hair. "Oh Yoongi this ain't it!", Jin said almost toppling over himself.

"Shush Jin, I think he looks adorable!", Tae said, pinching Yoongi's cheeks. Yoongi smacked his hands away from his face. "He's an adorable wittle baby~"

"I will choke slam both of you!", Yoongi threatened and Tae awed more, while Jin's face was turning red from laughter. Oh so he's allowed to laugh and I'm not. Rude. Yoongi must've been serious because when Jin tried pinching his cheeks he put him in a headlock.

"Let go of me asshole!", Jin choked out, smacking Yoongi's arms to release.

"Apologize then maybe I will"

"To hell I will, you Princess Bubblegum bitch!", Jin croaked, pushing Yoongi to the lockers to set himself free. Tae saw and joined in the chaos.

"Guys stop it! People are watching!", Tae intervened, going in between the two idiots. "Teachers might see us!". I stood back and watched with amusement. They do this too often. It's like watching a poorly made k-drama. I watched to see how long this will last. It usually last for a couple of minutes or hours depending. People gave us weird looks as they passed by us and I waved, smiling at them.

"Woah, woah what's going on?", Jungkook said, coming up to us. His friends soon came up too.

"Jin kept making fun of me", Yoongi said, releasing Jin. Jin gasped for air and hugged Namjoon. Namjoon blushed, holding onto Jin's dramatic ass.

"So guys how do you like Suga's new pink hair?", J-Hope said, smiling widely at Yoongi.

"'s uhm-nice-yeah...", we all said in unison. Yoongi pouted, taking out snacks from his bag.

"All of you are lying bitches", Yoongi grumbled, munching on his Doritos. J-Hope chuckled, stealing a few chips from Yoongi. Yoongi didn't even react as they walked off with each other.

"What?! So I can't even look at his food without getting punched in the face, let alone eat it, but he is! That's favoritism!", Jin said and Namjoon laughed, sneaking his arm around his waist. "I'm hurt! Really hurt!"

"So am I. We're his best friends. His only friends to be honest", Tae said and they all walked away to their class, leaving me behind with Jungkookie. Great friends they are. I wasn't in the mood to mess with him so I moved myself off the wall and headed to my class. I sat down in my seat and waited for the teacher to begin the lesson. A lesson I already knew and didn't care about. Yay...

The rest of my classes went by in a flash. I boosted from my seat as the last bell rang. I was so happy to free form this boring, hell hole. I waited outside to greet my friends. I was ready to have fun tonight with the boys. Lately, it feels like we've hardly been hanging out together like we used to.

"Minie!", Tae exclaimed, running up to me, pulling me into a tight hug. I giggled and hugged back.

"Aye, Jimin!", Yoongi called out, hugging me too. Okay this is odd. Yoongi never likes showing affection, unless when he has to.

Rich, Spoiled Brat ✔️ |Jikook|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt