Chapter(T W E N T Y E I G H T)

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Jimin's P.O.V

"Cutie, out of all places we could've gone you dragged me to the Ice cream shop?", I asked, as we stopped along the road at a ice cream place.

"Jimin you can't have fun without ice cream. It's a known fact", he stated.

"Mhm, what about people who're lactose intolerant or vegan? Or people who don't like the taste of ice cream?", I questioned as we went up to the counter.

"Then they're going to die miserable", he stated as an obvious answer. I rolled my eyes and the lady came up and asked for our order. "Hello, can I get one chocolate birthday cake ice cream and...", he turned to me I requested for a regular vanilla cone. "And one Oreo, Vanilla fudge swirl with sprinkles. Thank you", he ordered and I hit his arm.

"That's not what I wanted", I said and he shrugged not caring enough.

"You'll like it trust me", he said and the lady brought us our food. He pulled out a 20$ bill from his wallet and told the woman to keep the change.

"I could've paid for my own", I said, pulling out my wallet to hand him the money for the price of mine. He pushed my hand away and licked his ice cream.

"Jimin, I'm taking you out. Why would I have you pay?", he said, smiling down at me that made me blush. No boy has done that for me. When people ask me out I'm usually the one paying for everything. They've always told me that they forgot their wallet or they're low on money. Being treated out for once feels nice.

We finished our ice cream and he was right. I did enjoy it, I wanted more. I pouted once I was done with my ice cream. I heard Jungkookie chuckle and I looked up at him in confusion on what was funny. "What's so funny sir?", I said, crossing my arms. He smiled, taking napkins from the counter.

"You're a whole mess. There's fudge all over your face", he commented, while wiping my face. He hovered over me as he did so and I couldn't help but stare at him. He looked down at me and smirked. He wiped my mouth and leaned down. When I thought he was going to kiss me that asshole lifted his head up.

"C'mon, let's head somewhere else!", he said, dragging me to the car. "We should go to Magic Shop's Fun House!". He hopped in the car and drove off to another direction. He practically sped to his destination and got out the car. He told me to stay in the car as he checked to see if the place was open.

I watched him from the window. The sign up top clearly said 'Closed' and the idiot still chose to tug on the door. The lights are off too and there's no person inside, how does he not know that it's closed? He kept pulling until he couldn't anymore. I laughed, tapping on the window. He turned around and raised a brow. I pointed upward at the sign and he looked up. He mouthed 'oh' and walked back to the car.

He frowned, starting the car. "Well this sucks! The movie theaters are closed and so is Magic Shop's Fun House". He frowned and thought to himself for a second. I mean what did he expect it's past midnight. "Oh I know where we could go! Anybody can have a good time there", he said to himself, driving off. He sped to the other place and made a stop by a playground.

Yep, not even a adult or public park, nope a playground...

We're gonna seem like creeps, sneaking at night to play at a children's playground. This is his idea of fun? He's making me doubt my liking for him.

Rich, Spoiled Brat ✔️ |Jikook|Where stories live. Discover now