Chapter (T H I R T Y F I V E)

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(Part 1)

Jungkook's P.O.V

I held the bag of money tight in my hand and knocked on the door of the apartment. I got the money of the ring in advance to give him the amount he needs and leave. I'm planning on calling Jennie after to hangout to get this guilt off my mind. I haven't gave him the money yet and I'm already feeling extremely guilty.

I awaited for my dad to open the door so we can get this over with. I know this is caused because of his gambling addiction. I've told him countless times to stop, but he never listens. He seems to place himself in this predicament every single time.

"Son! You came it's so nice to see you!", he answered the door, pulling me into a bone crushing hug. I cleared my throat, patting his back for him to release. "Oh and I see you brought cash!", I nodded and he let me inside. "I haven't told you how much I need yet!", he said, closing the door behind me. It looks clustered in here. It's not like my dad to live in such filth.

"I know, I brought the money I have to give your destined amount, so I can leave", I said, taking a seat on the sofa. "I see you've been handling yourself well since I've been gone", I said, tossing his underwear aside off the table. He chuckled, rubbing the nape of his neck, trying to make more room for me and him.

He sat down next to me got straight to the point. "So as you've might've guessed I've been gambling again", he confessed and I nodded, waiting for him to continue. "Just so you know I've got most of the original amount covered. I only need the small remaining amount left".

"Okay, how much do you owe?"

"As in the whole amount or the remaining"

"Whole amount first"

"Oh 20...", he mumbled underneath his breath and I couldn't understand.

"Say again? I didn't catch that"

"20...", he kept mumbling.

"What? 20 what?", I asked opening the bag of money.

"20,000$", I froze and stared at my father in shock. "I know it's a lot"

"No shit, that's a lot!"

"Watch your mouth!", he scolded and I crossed my arms. 20,000? I wonder how much the remaining amount is. It better be under 2500 because he's screwed if not. "Plus, that's the whole amount not the left over. The amount I need at the moment is 5 grand", he said and I shook my head.

"Welp, sorry to break it to you but your screwed! It was nice seeing you dad after so long! I have to go now, I have other things to attend to, bye!", I patted the sofa, standing up. I made my way to the front door and heard my dad call me back.

"Jungkook wait!"

"Here is what I have for you", I said, tossing him the bag of money. He caught it and counted the amount. "There's barely 2,500 in there. Enjoy!", I twisted the doorknob and felt him grab my forearm.

"Jungkook please! Is there anything else you can do for the rest? Is there a friend you can ask that'll have about 3 grand on them to spare?", he asked with pleading eyes. I snatched my arm away and thought about the one person who would have it.


He of course wouldn't have the money directly on him, he would have to ask his dad. The problem is he's going to ask what's and who's it for and I can't exactly say it's for my dad because he won't give it to me. Well his father most definitely won't because my dad had to owe him money before. I can't say it's for my other friends because he'll ask them personally and they can't lie for their lives.

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