Chapter (T W O)

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I stared at the clock as I waited for the last 15 minutes to pass. This is the last class of the day and I can't wait to rush out of here. I adverted my attention to Namjoon and saw him taking notes. I watched him, until he was done writing down the notes to see what I needed to copy down. I didn't bother to write the notes, so I'm thankful for Namjoon being a diligent student.

"Yo, Namjoon!", I whispered-shouted over to him. He didn't hear me or chose not to hear me when I called out for him. He doesn't like it when I bother him during class. He thinks I'm prohibiting him and myself from having a "brighter future", so he quotes.

I called him again to make sure he heard me, "Yo, Namjoon!", I reached over to tap his desk. Our desks were too far apart and made it hard for me to actually reach him. So I waved my arms out to get his attention. I know he saw me trying to reach him because he paused, rolling his eyes, before going back to his notes.

"Namjoonie!", I announced a little louder, receiving a few confused glances from my fellow peers. I didn't care about them and tried again. "Namjoon, answer me!", I crumbled a piece of paper out of my notebook and aimed for his head.

My throw wasn't so good and ended up hitting a girl in the head. The girl whipped her head around to me and I swear she got whiplash. I'm telling you that I heard her neck crack. I gave her an apologetic smile and she mumbled something under her breath, going back to her work.

I saw Namjoon still writing on his page. He didn't spare not one glance at me this whole time. I ripped out another piece of paper and made three mini paper balls. "Namjoon!", I threw one paper ball, "You!", threw the second one, "Bitch!", I threw the last one, managing to get his attention.

"What the fuck do you want!?", he exclaimed out in the class, making all the students turn their heads, even the teacher went silent for a second. We both froze and smiled shamefully at the teacher.

"What're you two doing?!", our teacher Ms. Kim, yelled and waited for an answer. We both stayed silent until Namjoon decided to speak up.

"Sorry, I felt something hit me and thought it was him. It was a mistake", he said and by the look on her face she didn't believe a word he said. But she let it go and nodded.

"This is your first warning, both of you! Watch the language and pay attention! We have 10 minutes left of class, I hope you can manage that", we both nodded after she spoke. She went back to teaching and Namjoon glared at me, attending back to his work.

"Namjoon, I seriously need your help!", I said, trying again to reach him. Of course he discounted me again so I tossed my pencil by his desk and walked over to him. He looked up as I inched closer to him. I bent down slowly, retrieving my pencil.

"Namjoon, let me take pictures of your notes", I said, flashing out my phone from my pocket. I grabbed his notebook and he pulled it back. "Excuse you, I need that real quick!", I said, snatching the corners. He swiftly grabbed half of the notebook, yanking it back.

"Excuse me? It's my notebook! Sit back down so we won't get in more trouble!"

I glanced at the teacher and saw that she wasn't paying attention to us and was writing on the board. I felt Namjoon tug the notebook roughly, almost making fall onward on his desk. He smacked me upside my head with the notebook and I yelped.

"Ow, that hurt! You meanie!", I screamed out to loud, causing the teacher to turn back around.

"Jungkook, sit back down now! This is you and Namjoon's last warning! If I have to stop teaching the class because of you two again, both of you'll have detention!", she complained.

"But it's not me it's him!", Namjoon said, pointing to me.

"Not true! He wasn't-"

"I don't want to hear it! Sit down!", she commanded and I rushed back to my seat. I stretched out my arms and looked over to Namjoon and saw that he was beyond frustrated. I kinda felt bad since I got him in trouble twice.

I looked up at the clock and saw that we had 3 minutes left of class. I was going to pack up when I realized that I actually need that pencil for my next class. Not wanting to disturb Namjoon again I got up and walked over to his desk silently. I saw the pencil under his desk and told him that I'm trying to get my pencil.

I put my head and arms under the desk, grabbing my pencil. I smiled to myself and lifted my head up to fast, banging my head hard underneath the table. I heard a slight tear in paper and felt Namjoon slam his fist on the desk.

"Are you freaking kidding me!", Namjoon shouted, causing the teacher to stop talking.

Oh that's not good

"That's it! Detention for both of you!", and with that being said, the bell now decided to ring. I took a moment to process what just happened and had a feeling that I wasn't going to walk out of here alive. I gulped, facing Namjoon to see his face red as a cherry.


Enjoy Lovelies

Rich, Spoiled Brat ✔️ |Jikook|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz