I can explain

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Helen was the only one who hadn't spoken a single word. Even when the others left for the dinning room she stood at the same place looking at her twin with a blank expression. Isabella wished that Helen would say something cause the silence was killing her.
"Hey!" Isabella tried. Helen hid her face with her hands and Isabella realized she was crying when she heard her sob and saw her shaking. She went to wrapped her arms around her sister's shoulder and buried her head in Helens hair. "Shh..its okay" she whispered. "No! Its not okay! How can you even say that word?" Her sobs became stronger making Isabella uncomfortable. She just started patting her sisters back hoping it would comfort her in some way.
" I thought you were hiding from us because you were pregnant or something...I know teen pregnancy is not a joke but now I just wish you were pregnant instead of whatever you're dealing with now" Helen spoke again. Isabella didn't have to say anything because Gavin came back telling the girls that everyone was waiting for them. Isabella decided to explain everything to her friends at the table so with her brother's and Helen's help she reached the dinning table. It was really early to have dinner but her mother wanted the children to have a proper conversation with her daughter. Basically it was her way of saying Isabella that they deserved an explanation.
"I'm sorry for not telling you guys anything about this" she expected any responses but none of them spoke. She sighed. " you guys can ask anything you want..I'll answer..its easier than wondering where to start"
"What happened to you?"Luke asked." Its called Fatal insomnia..its a genetic disorder" isabella replied showing them her twisted arm. It was the first time they had seen her without baggy clothes and she looked very fragile and now her arms were twisted. Isabella was surprised his her friends managed to keep a straight face. "It's like insomnia for a long time period. I can never fall asleep" she explained.
"How long would it take to cure this?" Adam muttered earning a soft chuckle from Isabella. Hearing her chuckle gave Helen a bad feeling and she knew she wasn't going to like Isabella's answer.
"The thing is..you can't cure this..it's the end of my story" she replied.
The entire room was silent. "That's not possible!  This can't be happening! I just met you!!!  You can't leave me like this! What's the point of even meeting my twin just for her to die after a couple of weeks!" Helen yelled.
She was angry at God for playing with her like that. She was angry at her fate for taking her sister away. Sure they just met but she was her only family!
"Hey calm down girl" Isabella soothed. " I've got another six months to live" she said jokingly but it only made the other three go crazy.
"Six months!"
"How come you're telling us now?!"
"You gotta be kidding me!"
"She's not joking. That's what the doctor said" Gavin spoke getting everyone's attention.
"Listen guys,guys, every one has to die someday right? In my case it's a bit scarier cause I know when I'm going to die. That's the only difference. I didn't tell you cause I didn't want you guys to worry about it. Being afraid of the future is just a waste of the present"
The room was swallowed by silence.
That's when Adam realized that Lisa and Peter hadn't uttered a single word throughout the conversation. He looked at them and they looked miserable. Gavin wasn't any different either. He looked at his plate and wondered how brave they were to put on a happy face behind their tragedy.
Luke really didn't know what to feel. Since the moment he saw Isabella he prayed God to make this just a dream and he prayed that any moment his mom would come to wake him up saying its late or something. He doesn't even remember when he started liking Isabella. He remember how jealous he would get when anyone else would try to befriended her. He only wanted a relationship just to make her jealous but that didn't happen. He regretted ignoring her just because of his stupid feelings. He regretted not being beside her when she needed the most.  He regretted that he didn't speak against her friends when they bad mouthed her because he clearly knew she was innocent.
Helen on the other hand was feeling empty and lost. She didn't even know that she had a twin a month ago. She wanted Isabella to stay. But she didn't know what to do. With Isabella, Helen felt like she was finally home. She was safe but not anymore.
"Kids..I know it's hard. But the best thing to do is live in the moment. Forget about the worries tomorrow might bring you. Just be happy and cherish what we have before we haven't" Peter spoke.

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