New people and old feelings

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"What's going on between her and Taylor. I swear to god if he's using her that'll be the end of him" Adam said trying not to sound like he was complaining.
Luke scoffed. " no offense man but Reece and Taylor are two people you don't want to mess with. If he was someone else other than Taylor..he would've been laying 6 feet below us right now"

"I don't understand dude!? Can't she see that danger is written all over his face!! I've been here only for a day but that guy doesn't look like someone I would want Ella to be around with"

Luke turned back and looked at belle who was having a serious conversation with Taylor. Her body language told that she was questioning about the scar on his face. She looked very concerned but soon it changed when he told her something. She chuckled.

" But she looks happy with him "Luke said.

Adam looked at Luke for a while and groaned." Ohh man!!! You're still crushing on her aren't you? But come on you've already got a girlfriend" he said squeezing his eyes with his hands.

Luke remained silent which made Adam think more. Suddenly realization hit him.

"Please tell me you didn't do what I think you did" he said while walking towards the entrance. Luke smirked.

"How the hell do I know what you think?"

Oh God this idiot is so freaking stupid!

"Are you fake dating?" Adam asked but he felt like he already knew the answer but Luke neither answered nor looked at him.

"You stupid idiotic ugly goblin!! Answer me you fool!! I'm your best friend!!"

"Will you please shut up Adam!! No I'm not fake dating anyone to make Isabella jealous if that's what you were thinking. happy now !!?? I've been distant with her hoping that somehow those feelings would fade away because even though I've never confessed it feels like she had already rejected me a thousand times! That's why I've been avoiding her..I couldn't be her friend anymore because I wanted to be more than that!!"

Luke frustratedly sent his fingers through his hair. Adam let out a sigh didn't know what else to do or say.

"What about Kate!? Do you like her?"

Luke looked puzzled and thought for a moment and then let out a soft chuckle.
"You mean Kathy? Well she's nice and yeah I do like her"
" here comes the but" Adam interfered.
Luke gave him a fake glare. " I think I'm in love with Isabella" he muttered.

Adam felt sorry for his friend.

This one is in love with her but she's so oblivious that she thinks he's in love with Kathy.

" so it's like you're using Kathy as a rebound"

"No! No! It's just..I'm not using her.. I really like her" Luke tried to explain but got cut off by Adam.

" whatever it is it's clearly wrong and it's unfair to Kathy.. You're still in love with Ella so stop giving false hope to that poor girl"

Am I really using Kathy ?
Luke sighed. Seems like Adam was right but he wasn't going to admit that loud.

He was brought back to reality by the huge crowd gathered in the hallway around a couple. The girl was secured between the boy's arms and he was whispering something into her ears which made her visibly calm. The girl was shaking and anyone who had eyes could see that the girl was having a panic attack. When he was sure that she was alright he tucked some of her brown hair which were covering her face and asked something which looked like "are you okay?"

Adam looked at his friend with a worried expression. He didn't know whom needed his company more than the other.

Isabella who seems to have a panic attack or Luke who's having his heart broken by seeing the girl he love in someone else's arm.

He mentally debated and decided to stay with Luke since Isabella had Taylor with her.

"He's just helping her" that's what came out of his mouth to comfort Luke.
Luke nodded and smiled. " it's alright..I'm glad he was there with her..none of us our good at handling panic attacks. But I never knew she had these types of attacks before."

Both looked at Isabella and saw Tyler leaving." That girl has a lot of explaining to do" Adam said.

The three of them had the same class so Isabella wasn't able to avoid the questions shot at her by her friends. " I promise guys I'll explain everything soon okay?" She said while entering the class. "How long will your soon be?" Adam asked dropping his bag onto the seat behind her.
"Oh! her soon means never" Luke said trying not to sound annoyed but Isabella sensed it. She couldn't say anything as the teacher entered and the students were rushing towards their seats.

"Alright class! Take your seats..I hope you all have done your homework..I'll be collecting them so place it on the corner of your desks. No I don't want to hear any excuses Mr. Collins I don't even care if your blind grandmother mistook it as toilet paper and wiped her butt with it.."the class let out a small laughter while Andrew Collins closed his mouth and tried of thinking a new excuse.
"Silence! as you can see we have a new student here..would you like to say something about yourself dear?" Ms. Merlin was a young teacher and she was really nice. The new girl entered slowly as if she wanted to disappear.

Half of the new girl's face was covered with her Raven hair. So only one eye ,half of her nose and lips were to be seen. Her eyes were green.
"Oh great! Another creep" Some girl groaned while leaning towards the desk.the class laughed supporting her words which made the new girl much more uncomfortable.

"Well at least she seems to have a good record at her previous school unlike you Sandra. I would prefer a creepy girl with brains over a brainless donkey with make up anytime" the class was shocked by miss Merlin's words. "Brainless donkey with makeup" the boys started laughing at Sandra which made her go red.

"I really won't tolerate any harsh words from any of my students. Keep that in mind. You may introduce yourself dear."

The girl felt confident this time and spoke up.
" my name is Helen and I'm 16 turning 17 on this October. I recently moved here from.." She suddenly stopped when her eyes landed on Isabella.The eye which wasn't covered widened.
"Is there a problem my dear?" Ms Merlin question sensing the uneasiness of the atmosphere. All the students were looking at Helen and Isabella expecting something to happen.
Isabella on the other hand looked clueless and looking at Helen expecting her to continue with her introduction.

Helen cleared her throat and moved her hair away from her face.
The entire class gasped including ms Merlin while Isabella's face was filled with several emotions and horror was one of them.


Sorry for the cliffhanger...bwahhahahha😈😈
Do you think Luke was being selfish?
What do you think of Helen? Is she bad news?
Comment your thoughts and vote please!!!!

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