Chapter 1, Passing out

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"5 new bodies have been discovered this morning at XXXX, police still investigating the crime scene since earlier morning, and here's a message from the cheif police"

"We are still investigating these murders that have been going on for a couple of weeks, we believe they go after both gender young and old but they strike at night time, so if you are thinking of going out bring a group with you and be aware of your surroundings until we catch this man. That's all I have to say now, please if you have anymore questions it will be answered after the investigation"

"That was the message from chef police, if any information please call the number on the screen, other news...."

"Wow can you believe that someone is murdering in this town of ours" A young female says.

"Yes I can it's on the news Bella" A women replied while cleaning dishes not looking up at Bella.

"Gosh, why are you always like that Y/n"Bella says looking at Y/n

"It's just how I was raised Bella, you can't change me"
Y/n walks away from the dishes and starts to serve her next customers.

"I hope that murderer don't go after you"Bella thinks to here self.

"Thanks you, come again"Saying that y/n bows.

"Phew, thank goodness the day is over, HEY BELLA YOU STILL NEED HELP?!"

Walking to the kitchen, Seeing no sigh of Bella, Y/N goes to the back and found Bella passed out.

"OMG, Bella are you ok?" Running to Bella

"Umm yea I just know me clumsy" slowly sits up

"You scared the living hell out of me, I thought you got badly injured, we should get you checked."

Y/n starts to help Bella off the floor and brings her inside the restaurant, putting Bella on a chair to sit down, Y/n goes to the back so she could get her and Bella stuff so she could take her to the hospital for a check up.

"Ok I got everything ready?" Y/n comes back to Bella passed out with a sticky note by her.

You grab the note and starts reading it.

"Love to see you work, princess "

"What the hell is this, I have no time for games I need to get Bella to the hospital."

You look at Bella putting two finger on Bella's neck to find a pulse.

"Ok she still alive heart rate is normal." Y/n thinks about how she can get her car and not leave Bella behind.
You try to wake up Bella softly, but hard enough to wake her up but it didn't work. You then gives up and calls the ambulance. After calling them she then waits for 30mins for them.
The ambulance arrives and takes Bella to the hospital.
"How long has she been like this?" One of the paramedic ask.
"For about 35 minutes" You reply
"You took 5mins to call use!?'
"Well before this happen I grabbed our stuff to go to the hospital, and then I found her like that I went to see if she was ok" Y/n said, the paramedic didn't believe Your story but nodded and left with Bella.
You went and grabbed her car keys and purse to go meet Bella at the hospital, she went inside the café and saw a man sitting on one of the chairs.

"Hello, my little princess"


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