Chapter Ten

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TW: Horrible writing (I'm serious this chapter is kind of shit)

Virgil's POV

For the first time in his life, Virgil was watching Patton have a break down. What was he freaking out over? Roman and Logan were visiting. Why was he freaking out and not cheering like usual? Virgil had abso-bloody-lutely no clue. 

"What should I wear? Should I wear my cardigan? Or one of my polo shirts?" Patton frantically grabbed articles of clothing from his closet, studied them, and then deemed them unworthy by chucking them in a growing discard pile. "What do kids wear these days, Virge? Do people even wear cardigans anymore?"

"Kids these days"?

"Patton, you're literally a teenager. And you already dress more normal than me. I'm not the person you should ask for advise." Virgil pointed out.

The dad-like friend stared blankly at him. "I dress normal? Have you ever seen a teen wear a polo shirt with a cardigan around the neck besides that one kid in Heathers? It just isn't a thing! Logan knows tha-"

"Logan?" Virgil threw his head back and laughed. "That's why you're freaking out? Because you think Logan will judge you?" Patton's hurt expression made Virgil instantly regret laughing. He reluctantly put a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Look, what I mean is that Logan doesn't judge people upon their appearance. Pat, he literally wears a tie every day. Do you really think he knows what normal people wear?"

Patton laughed bitterly and sat down on his bed next to Virgil. "You're right, kiddo. It's just..." he paused and seemed to struggle to think of the right words. "...he's always so formal, and strict, and he always judged me whenever I did something childish, and that was when we were literal children. We're teens now. He might be even more judging and I really really don't want him to think badly of me."

Virgil studied his friend's face. He was frowning, and his eyes were distant. " you like him?"

Patton looked away from him. "Yeah..."

"Then you would want him to like you for you, right?"

"I guess."

"Then," Virgil twisted around and looked at the pile of clothing behind them. "Then just wear what you want to wear. If he doesn't like it, than he doesn't like it. And anyways, I absolutely despise that stupid varsity jacket Romano wears all the time, and I still like him." 

Patton smiled a bit at that. "You're right. It was stupid of me to worry." Virgil shook his head.

"No, it's okay to not be happy all the time, Pat." Patton's smile instantly turned into a grin. 

"I'm always happy! I was just down a bit. But I'm better now!" Virgil raised an eyebrow but didn't question it. 

Eventually, Patton decided on a blue polo and his gray cardigan. 

"How do I look?" Patton did a childish twirl. 

"Great." The same. 

The doorbell rang and both of their eyes widened simultaneously. 

"Coming!" They both shouted and hurried down the stairs to the front door. Virgil looked down to see his hands were sweaty, so he quickly wiped them on his black jeans and breathed in deeply. Stay calm. Stay calm. It's just Logan and Roman. Logan, and Roman, and that fucking varsity jacket. 

Patton opened the door to reveal the two of them, Logan in his usual polo and tie while Roman was in a red sweater and white jeans, a crossbody bag with musical theater and pride pins slung across his shoulder. Shit. I'm so gay for this idiot.

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