Chapter 46

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Oliver was due his baby in three days.

Every morning, he and Vinny would wake up with excited hearts as the bedside crib sat, waiting to be used.

To think that they would officially be parents in a few days was very daunting, exciting and nerve-racking but it felt right.

They were going to put all they have into bringing up their little one and they couldn't wait.

Vinny knocked on his dad's study before entering. He was told by one of the staff that his parents wanted to talk to him.

Just like always, he wanted to run and hide but they'll probably want to talk about the baby or how he's doing.

They're being bombarded with phone calls asking if anything has happened yet and it was getting quite annoying.

Even Vinny gave up and answered the phone, only to say: "No, the baby is still in Oliver, bye."

Luckily it was only Jasper who was on the other end and laughed about it with Sorina.

"Ah Vinny, come in and take a seat" Duke smiled as he and Madison were sitting at the other side of his desk.

Vinny did as he said but was confused as to why there was a projector with a few paragraphs of writing on it, flashing on the wall behind them.

"Okay so, we've been doing a lot of thinking about whether we should do this or not," Duke said. There was a big chance that Vinny would freak out. "But we think it's time that we see how your speech is doing."

Vinny's face felt like it had been smacked off a brick wall.

The last time they assessed his speech was when he was sixteen. That was when he could confidently say sentences with no problems at all.

At the time, his parents thought that was perfect and they could leave him alone with it all and let him carry on living his life.

But now, with a baby on the way and not knowing if it'll have the same problem as him, they want to see if there's any change or if it's still the same as what it was, four thousand years ago.

"No" He grumbled before standing up but Duke stood up too.

"Wait, Vinny please," He said, making his son stop. "We know this is hard for you, but it's something we have to test."

Vinny's heart was beating a million times a minute.

Of course, if you didn't know about his stutter you wouldn't know it was there but his parents will now make him speak until it shows.

"I don't want to" He mumbled.

"We know how you feel about it and we know how embarrassed you get, but we're not going to judge you son."

Vinny was chewing the inside of his lip.

"I stutter once and you're both on my case about it?"

"Vinny, we just want to know if it's improved or not."

"Why? that's not gonna make it go away" Vinny said while crossing his arms.

"We know that" Madison softly said. "We're your parents, we just want to see."

Vinny then thought rationally about it. He was trying to put himself in their shoes, now that he'll soon be in their position.

It wouldn't hurt for him to do this but it was just such a bad time in his life, all because of his stupid stutter.

Why did kids have to be so mean?

He let out a heavy breath, showing he was clearly frustrated.

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