Chapter 19

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The last sentence might be a shock for some people... it was for me because I forgot :') 

- Sian

Vinny could feel a warm breath, touching the side of his face.

He could hear the distant chirping of birds, echoing through closed windows.

For a split second, he forgot where he was and nothing in the world seemed to matter. He could feel that Oliver was right next to him and that's the only thing he cared about.

He moved his tired head but it was nuzzled into something warm. He moved his hand that was resting against what felt like Oliver's stomach.

He then stretched and opened his eyes.

His head was resting in the crook of Oliver's neck as he pulled back to reveal his face.

He was fast asleep and Vinny was glad. He needed plenty of rest.

He then rubbed his eyes before looking around. They were still in the abandoned house and still surrounded by angels.

Vinny scanned over some of the faces who were smiling in his direction.

His gaze was gentle as he slowly sat up.

He looked around to see Corey, curled up against his soulmate.

Panuleon had his arms around him and was rubbing his back very gently.

Vinny laid back down and watched his sleeping soulmate. They had made it successfully through the night without any danger.

But that just meant they were more vulnerable.

Surely the demons will find them soon.

Even if they don't, they'll have to put an end to this war somehow.

But he wasn't ready to think about that just yet, he knew it was early in the morning and Oliver would sleep for a few more hours.

So he laid his head in close until the tip of his nose touched with his soulmates.

He rested a hand on his chest so he could feel his beating heart. It was slow, calm and relaxed.

Jed watched the Vampire. He wondered how he would react to this news.

It was definitely going to be a big change in their lives and he didn't know if they were ready for it or not.

But of course, he will be there to offer a helping hand when they need it.

He then wandered his gaze over to Corey.

He would probably be excited and so would Panuleon. But were they ready?

"Are you wondering how to tell them?" Zachariah asked quietly.

Jed nodded and turned to the angel.

"It'll be such a shock for them," He said. "But they might handle it fine, I just can't tell."

"Yes, but either way, it's happening and there's nothing they can do but to accept it. They may be young, but they'll be ready because if they are not, it wouldn't be happening now."

Zachariah had a point.

Jed let out a calming breath and rested his back against the wall.

"I might end up being more excited than them" He chuckled.

Zachariah smiled and nodded.

He Connected his fingers together and took his gaze to the other angels.

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