Chapter 18

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"I dare you to look inside," Vinny said as he looked at the grubby fridge.

Oliver made a face that showed he was not going to even touch it.

"Do you want me to die from some insane disease?" He asked sarcastically, clearly exaggerating.

The boys had gone for a wander around the abandoned house. The rest of it was okay, it was just the kitchen that was quite dirty.

"No, no I don't," Vinny said as he pulled Oliver closer and wrapped an arm around his waist.

They were being normal and pretending like everything was fine. They may as well relax until the plans change. They didn't want to think about what stress might come next, they just wanted to spend time with each other.

But of course, Jed was doing his job and lingering not too far away.

"Why don't you look inside it?" Oliver questioned.

"No thanks" Vinny said before leaning forwards and kissing his temple. "I'm good."

"Yeah, thought so" Oliver mumbled.

Vinny's eyes were full of amusement. It was really nice for Oliver to see that again.

Vinny then tugged on his hand and pulled him back towards the stairs.

It was almost half nine at night and he could feel Oliver's tiredness, creeping in.

Jed was standing by the door but followed them upstairs and back towards the room, filled with angels.

They were all sitting and talking casually.

A lot of them were talking about the couples and realised they have something very special to tell two of them. They thought it was just Oliver, but it's Corey too.

As the boys entered the room, Corey and Panuleon were sitting on the only mattress in the house. There wasn't even any couches or anything else remotely comfortable.

They walked over as the angels watched with interest.

In heaven, they have been talked about for a long time and it was an honour for many of them to meet the couples.

The boys walked over to the mattress and sat down in front of it. For some reason, they liked going to Corey and Panuleon, maybe because they could talk and distract themselves.

Well, Oliver and Corey could talk. Panuleon liked to listen and Vinny didn't like to socialize.

"It's weird isn't" Corey said as he watched the other couple. "So many angels in the same room."

He could feel that Panuleon was excited but trying not to show it.

It had been a long time since he has seen this amount of angels and it reminded him of when he used to live in heaven.

"It's nice, though. I feel a lot better about this whole situation now" Oliver said truthfully. The angels did fill him with a lot of hope.

"Me too" Vinny mumbled as he gently rubbed his soulmates back.

Oliver leant into him and took his hand.

He loved playing with his warm fingers.

"Vinny? Do you drink humans blood?" Corey randomly asked.

He looked to the human with a blank expression, but it was only expected of him to ask questions like this. He is the first vampire he has ever met.

"Yes," Vinny said, not really wanting to explain.

"Like, all the time?"

"No. Vampires have an event called their annual blood day and once a year, we have to drink two pints of blood."

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