Chapter 23

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"You can't be, that's not right," Zachariah said as he looked the woman up and down.

She chuckled, but it was empty and maybe a little creepy.

"Why are you so shocked? Do you really think that all angels are born with beautiful personality's and hearts full of gold?" She asked sarcastically.

"Clearly not" Vinny grumbled. He was fed up and wanted to go home.

"Ah the vampire," She said. "You must feel special, being the only one to ever enter this world."

Vinny glared at her which did alter her smile, but she was stronger than him and more confident.

"Why?" Jed then asked. "Why are you taking their side?"

"Because Jeduthun, I too want the power that comes with the boys. And trust me when I say this, I will get it."

Her smug behaviour was really starting to annoy Vinny.

"You" Panuleon growled as he saw the female demon who hurt Corey, lingering to the side.

He stepped forwards but the other demons stood up straight in a defensive manner.

Zachariah took hold of Panuleon's shoulder, knowing he would start the fighting all over again if he pounced on her.

"Myagh, get over here" The angel snapped.

The female demon slowly stepped out of the shadows and stood next to the angel.

Vinny couldn't help but flash his fangs at her, he was so angry.

Myagh looked around and knew she would get killed among all these angels but the Vampire scared her the most.

Corey double took at Vinny's red eyes and fangs. It didn't scare him but he was fascinated and knew when this was over, he would ask so many questions.

"My assistant here did a great job, don't you think?" The angel asked.

Myagh stared at Corey, knowing she was making him nervous.

If it wasn't for Zachariah, Panuleon would've killed her already.

"You're delusional," Zachariah said. "You'll get nothing from these boys. You think you can win a war? Your greed will get the better of you."

"We'll see" She smiled and pushed Myagh closer.

The demon immediately backed away, fearing Panuleon or Vinny would grab her.

"Stop being so pathetic," The angel said while rolling her eyes. "You were quick to hurt them when they were chained up to the wall."

Myagh cursed under her breath but stayed where she was.

"So" The angel continued. "Are we here to fight? I know I am."

Jed tensed, fearing the worst. As awful as it was, they had to kill one of their own and they had to do it fast.

She needed to be stopped first if they had any chance at winning.

"I doubt you'll surrender," Zachariah said. He could feel the tension quickly building in the room.

"Only if you give me the boys" She smirked.

Oliver felt angry, but he could also feel himself becoming more stressed. He hated that he couldn't cope well with challenging situations.

"You have a chance to end all of this," Jed said. "You're outnumbered."

"Yes, but I'll get what I want."

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