Chapter 17

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Corey wrapped his legs around Panuleon's waist and buried his face into his chest. They are aware that company has arrived but at this moment, each other was more important.

When the angels gaze turned to Vinny and Oliver, they gripped each other tighter and stood up.

So many angels were in the same room and it was quite daunting.

Vinny felt like the odd one out, being the only Vampire. He wondered if the angels were judging him or not.

He realised that the power he once held in his own world meant nothing here.

But the angels respected Vinny and they knew how strong minded and wise he was. Some vampires can tend to let the authority of being in charge get inside their heads but Vinny hadn't.

And they liked that about him.

Jed was making his way around, hugging the angels.

So was Zachariah.

They were excited about their appearances and it was very nice to see them coming together to help.

Vinny had noticed that angels are very affectionate people. He hoped they didn't greet everyone with a hug. Although he is extremely happy they are here.

As the Angels looked between the two couples, nobody cared that the two most unique and special bonds in both worlds are same-sex relationships.

It was something that they didn't feel was a problem. Why should it? They're just in love.

They knew that Corey and Panuleon would need time together after being so far apart, so some of them made their way over to Vinny and Oliver.

"Hello, it's an honour to meet you at last," A woman said as she rested a kind hand on their shoulders.

Oliver smiled as Vinny tried to soften his gaze but he was very much aware that they are still somewhat in danger.

"Are you here to help?" Oliver asked as he looked at the other faces.

"Yes, the demons have gone too far this time," A man said as he stood with a presence of calm, drifting all around him. "They need to be stopped."

"They do," Jed said as he came over and stood by the boys.

It was nice for them to have someone so familiar to help guide them through this process.

To Vinny, Jed was like a member of the family. But he'd probably never tell him that.

"What are the plans?"

"For now, to let the boys rest," An angel said. "They have no doubt been through a tough few days. They need time to regain their strengths."

Jed thought that was a great idea as Zachariah came over and stood by Oliver.

"There's enough of us to keep watch on the outside world. Take as much time as you need" He said with a warm smile.

Oliver then felt himself relax, which he hasn't done in a few days. Vinny could feel his soulmates emotions calm down and he couldn't help but do the same.

The angels were on their side and that was incredibly reassuring.

Oliver watched as Corey curled up on Panuleon's lap.

He thought their relationship was incredibly cute. Maybe that's what people thought about his and Vinny's relationship.

He then leant down and picked up some water and some food.

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