Chapter 41

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"I can't believe he slapped you," Kyran said to Scarlet as he sat on the couch next to her.

They were in the dining room but nobody wanted to socialise with them so they went to find other things to do.

"I'm going to make him suffer for that" Scarlet said as she clenched her jaw.

"Just remember that he's pregnant, as horrible as that sounds" Kyran frowned. "But Vinny would probably kill you if you harmed the baby."

"What's the other one called? The small one" Scarlet asked, ignoring her husband.

"Um, Corey I think," Kyran said as he watched the ideas click through her mind.

"He's an easy target."

"What, because he's small?"

"Yeah, he won't be able to hurt me" Scarlet smirked but they were unaware that Panuleon was an angel and would break their limbs with the clutch of a fist if they touched his soulmate.

"You're so mean you know" Kyran sighed before leaning back against the couch.

Scarlet tilted her head but gave him a big grin, which Kyran found himself copying.

"But seriously, what are we doing here? You said it yourself that you don't care if your parents hate you so why are you sucking up to them again?" He asked.

"Because I wanted to mess with Oliver. He ruined everything and I want him to pay for what he did."

"Yeah but, don't you think it's a little unfair on his behalf?"

Scarlet lifted a hand and smacked her husband on the side of the head.

"Don't you dare take his side" She snapped, making him roll his eyes.

"I'm not, I'm just not seeing why you hate him with so much passion" He chuckled.

"Vinny deserved better. He deserved a vampire and he deserved a female. Now come on, let's go find Corey."

* * * * *

"No, it has my name on it," Oliver said as he pretended to protect his tub of ice cream.

"But Oliver please, think of the baby" Corey chuckled as he sat on the stool next to him. "Wait, it actually has your name on it" He laughed.

Oliver grinned but released the ice cream and grabbed him a spoon.

"Yes, but I'm just being greedy. Have as much as you want."

"Thank you," Corey smiled as Panuleon sat next to him with a grin.

Vinny just watched Oliver.

He still felt happy from feeling the baby kick and he couldn't wait to meet it.

"I hope it's okay for me to ask and please tell me if I'm being too intrusive, but who were those people?" Panuleon asked.

"It's fine Panuleon," Vinny said with barely a detective smile as he crossed his arms. "It was my sister Scarlet and her husband Kyran."

"Are you not on good terms?" The angel asked.

"No," Vinny said as he glanced at his soulmate. "When Oliver and I connected the bond, she didn't like that I had a human soulmate and tried her best to prove that he didn't belong in this family by hurting him. She has done things to Oliver that are very unforgivable."

"She doesn't like humans in Vampire families?" Corey asked.

"No" Vinny sighed, hoping she would leave soon.

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