Chapter 7

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"I feel sick," Oliver said as he ran a hand through his hair.

Vinny rubbed his back, but he was feeling just as nervous.

It was now half eight in the evening and about two hours ago; Demons got spotted on the coast of France.

They'll hit England at any minute.

John was tapping his feet and twiddling his thumbs. He was watching his son with a worried frown.

He hoped that he was able to use his strengths and the skills he had been taught over the years. He didn't know what to expect with the demons but if they fight dirty, then so will he.

Jed was intensely listening to the Angels whispers. He was asking for help from Zachariah, but he wasn't getting a reply.

Zachariah was Panuleon's guardian and the one who raised him in heaven. So when Panuleon came to earth, he followed him, knowing the war was going to start but by surprise, he met his soulmate.

At the time, it was forbidden for angels to have human soulmates, and because Zachariah was an angel of a higher power, he had to get his powers stripped.

But, that was just a cover up.

He told Panuleon that he came to earth to find his soulmate, but he came to protect him and Corey. his powers were not taken away and he was still allowed to fall in love. He only told Panuleon this so he wouldn't worry or stress about it but he didn't know that the young angel was already aware of what was happening.

"They're here" Jed then said as he stood up. He could sense it.

Everyone in the room felt their hearts beat faster as they shared the same brave but worried expressions.

Oliver was the only human in the dining-room, so people were aiming to stick by him.

They were aware that Vinny needed protecting too, although, he is a strong fighter.

"What like, in England or, here?" John asked as he sat forwards.


Duke also stood up and opened the door.

"Brace yourselves, they're here," He said, causing a nervous chatter to rise.

The whole world seemed to be on standby as the demons had searched almost every country until they discovered where the boys lived.

Most people in the Vanderwood city had fled, just to get out of town until this chaos blew over.

hopefully, it does.

"I'm so nervous," Oliver said.

Vinny could tell, judging by how tightly he was holding onto him.

"We're going to get through this" He whispered into his ear.

They were both depending on each other to provide that comfort and to keep their worries from becoming too overbearing.

Oliver nodded. He had confidence that if they got taken, they'd still win this war and they'd return home safely.

Confidence was the only thing that was keeping his emotions in.

He was more concerned about Jed, Madison, Duke, and his dad.

He didn't want any of them to become hurt in the process. It wasn't their war to fight, but he knew they would do anything to keep them safe.

And that frightened him.

Suddenly, there was shouting coming from a distance as everyone looked towards the door.

"Get ready," Jed said, knowing they were in the building.

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