Chapter 31

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After a while of Duke swapping his gaze from his son to his soulmate, he eventually stood up.

They watched as he walked around the table and sat next to Oliver.

"This is real? It's not a joke?" He questioned. He just had to make sure.

"No, we're telling the truth. As weird as that sounds" Oliver chuckled.

Duke nodded, his mind had finally accepted this news.

He then smiled before giving him a hug.

Madison was still squeezed next to her son but she was happy that Duke had realised how important this is for them.

"Come here you," He said and pulled Vinny into the back of Oliver.

He has had more than his fair share of hugs this morning but at least this was positive.

The hug didn't last too long, his mind began to fill with questions.

"I can't begin to imagine what you must be feeling right now," He said as he looked at them both. "But I hope you're accepting this?"

Vinny looked at Oliver with a tiny bit of happiness.

"We are," They said in unison.

Duke nodded. He was beginning to feel proud.


He rested a hand on their shoulders.

"I'm just so glad you're home" He smiled.

"Me too," They said again as Oliver rested his back into Vinny's chest.

John still hadn't said anything and it was starting to worry Oliver a little bit.

"Oh," Duke then said before standing up. He was looking at his watch as everyone realised that the staff would've been coming in and nobody knew that the boys were home. "I think we should tell everyone."

Vinny frowned.

"About this?" He questioned.

"No, no. I think we all need to process this before the public knows" He chuckled. "But they should be informed that you're home."

Corey and Panuleon were wondering if they meant that their family needed to know, but they were unaware that Vinny and Oliver were basically famous and not just in this city. They are now known all over the world from the demon invasion.

Vinny nodded, he then understood.

"I'll go and inform them, but I want to talk more about this after."

Duke was aware that John was still sitting there. He must show a positive opinion about this or he'll have him and Madison to deal with.

The boys have obviously been through a very rough time, they don't need any more negativity floating around.

Duke then stood there for a minute as his eyes almost glazed over with tears.

"If I keep thinking about it, I'm going to cry," He chuckled before walking towards the door.

Madison ruffled Vinny's hair, who ducked away from her grip before she got up and followed Duke.

Oliver was still staring at his dad, who had closed his mouth and was looking at the table.

"Dad?" He questioned. John glanced at him and cleared his throat. "What do you think about all of this?"

Oliver really wasn't sure and Vinny was beginning to glare at him.

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