Chapter 2 - Weaving a story

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When 2 men entered the room, I looked them up and down.  The older one was clearly muscular and seemed suspicious of me.  He too was looking at me with speculation clear on his face.  The younger one, Dick I could assume, was clearly much more worried about my condition than anything else.

"H-Hello."  I said, trying to make my stutter sound realistic, like I was nervous (which I kind of was) but I knew that I could get out of this room if need be (there were no blood blossoms in sight and I was right by the window, which I could easily jump out of and 'survive.'

"Who are you?"  The taller man asked me.

"I- I - I'm D-Daniel Work... Sir, but y-you can call me Danny i-if you would like."

"Nice to meet you Danny!  You can call me Dick, and this here is my father, Bruce Wayne, but you can call him Mr. Bruce."

"I'm sure he already knows me, Dick.  I am pretty famous."

"I know, but I was just being polite."

Mr. Wayne sighed before addressing me, "Do you know why you are here?"

"No.  The last thing that I remember I was talking a walk after my shift at work ended."  I replied  coming up with a general story inside my head.

"When did your shift end?"

"At around 8pm why?"

"Why were you walking outside at night here.  Everyone knows that this is a dangerous city."

"Because I had no place else to go."

"Explain." Mr. Wane said.

"Well my family has been missing for about 2 months so I was kick out of the building that I lived in, and so I stopped attending school and started working in hopes of being able to buy a place in the near future."

"I have a question.  What is with all the clothes that you had with you?"

"... I want to be an actor.  Once I have enough saved away, I want to be able to take the stage and captivate my audiences into different stories that I will act in."

"Fair enough.  I guess your homeless situation explains the weird food and the thermoses."

"So can we keep him?"   Dick asks Mr. Wayne.

Mr. Wayne gives Dick a look, then sighs, "I guess it doesn't hurt, but he has to agree to take up school again."

"Sure."  I replied, already eager to take up muggle schooling again (it was so much more challenging after all)


After Bruce left it was just Dick and I in a room. 

"So..."  Dick started then stopped

"So what?"  I replied looking at him.

"You seem to have gotten used to talking to me.  You stopped stuttering."

"Yea, well I adapt to different situations pretty quickly, its all part of my training to be an actor after all."

"How so?"


"What's that?"


We spent the rest of the day getting to know each other, Mr. Wayne would come in occasionally to check in on us as would their butler, Alfred who occasionally came baring food or drinks.

When it was time to go to bed, I checked over my bag (which Mr. Wayne had returned to me sometime after lunch).  There was nothing missing.  Taking out the batteries from all but one of them (as I sensed no spectral energy here) I closed the bag after grabbing my most comfortable outfit and an apple to eat.

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