Start from the beginning

But in fact, Andrea rarely gave her any meals with strong poison in it these days though she occasionally she increases the amount of poison in Carina's meals.

It is so strange at first Carina's gift was relatively strong, although she couldn't withstand all poison but recently Carina sickens more easily which makes no sense. Why would the queen's gift abandon her when it's nearly her Ascension.

Andrea isn't sure whether Carina's gift is truly strong or weak anymore but the most important thing is that everyone continues to think that Carina is a strong poisoner. For when you have power the truth is what you make it.

And nothing matters more than appearances.


Carina can respect Andrea, the unofficial queen of poisons and the poisoners and the matriarch of the most powerful poisoner family and one of the most feared and powerful families on the entire island, rivalling with the Radurons and the Murtras. 

The warriors became stronger because of the last queen, Halia who had a strong war gift. And the shadows have always been strong even though they have not had a queen for hundreds of years. And the poisoners have strength left from the queens before Halia: Queen Arsinoe, Queen Camille, Queen Sandrine and Queen Nicola. It is rare the Arrons fail to get a queen on the throne but they failed the last Ascension and Carina knows they are desperate to reclaim power and that Andrea will stop at nothing to have Carina become Queen Crowned.

Andrea Arron is a pretty woman with the trademark Arron ice blonde hair and an iciness in her that that makes her both alluring and dangerous. She is the closest thing Carina has to family. And growing up, Carina has always tried to mimic her icy glare that sets men running. She always knew learning that cold glare would prove useful, especially after she is crowned.

Andrea's late husband, Kristofer Vend was the most eligible male poisoner and their marriage was arranged by her grandmother, Lilith Arron, before either of them could walk, though Carina could tell that Andrea had never minded - it was her sense of family duty that made her approve of the match. Carina has never met him personally but she has heard Andrea occasionally talk of him, though not with the kindness and fondness expected of a grieving, caring widow.

None of the Arrons mentioned him much as he was never really one of them. Despite being an Arron in name he was still a foreigner in their dynasty and perhaps he could not accept it. The responsibility and power of that family.

Women are the ones who are feared and respected on this island so Kristofer took the Arron name on paper at their marriage. 

Kristofer was a sharp minded poisoner and did his duty in giving Andrea five healthy children but once he outlived his usefulness to the Arrons then he suddenly found himself dead, Adrion, the youngest, had not yet reached his first birthday. 

It was due to a tragic fall to the stairs. Or a very deliberate push.

The thought makes Carina smirk with pure malice and after Andrea leaves, Carina nods slowly, a malicious glint in her eye, she has been looking forward to this birthday and the great Gave Noir feast that has so many toxins and poisons in each dish that it could kill the entire island, but this is the poisoner's feast and they will eat and eat until poison runs down their faces, while escaping death's grip at every bite. 

Her sisters however, will not be so fortunate when Carina kills them with one of her own poisons, for the little, but strong, poisoner queen has a talent for making poisons and she especially loves working with snake venom, particularly her own snake, Sheshu's venom. In fact she had made a new poison using the venom yesterday and needs to test it on her small testing bird. 

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