Ziyah handed Vince the blunt which he took and squinted his eyes at. After he fully examined what he was about to put to his lips he took a strong hit and of course immediately let out a cough.

Ziyah tried his best not  to laugh as Vince hacked up his lungs while still trying to look cool. 

"You good?" 

Vince let out his last cough. "Yeah man totally."

To prove he was good and in Vince's mind better than the guy who was with his sister Vince took another hit and before he knew it him and Ziyah were passing the blunt back and forth until Vince couldn't even remember where he was.

Ziyah had reached his limit and being a cool high his head space was barely even altered while Vince on the other hand was staring at Ziyah's ceiling like it was a painting. In his slow dry tone words stumbled out of his mouth. "Man you know I had a seizure last year that shit was something."

Ziyah didn't have much to say and just nodded as he got all of the weed out of Vince's reach.

"So you're like in love with my sister?" Vince burst into laughter. "In love with my sister, sister is such a weird word." Vince shook his head, but still looked over at Ziyah who was looking at his phone.

"Something like that," Ziyah mumbled trying to supress all of his feelings for the girl who made him express things he didn't know he could.

"You know I'm in love with Vicki Prevez, like love love," Vince said. "She's like honey fried chicken and some ... and some." Vince struggled to finish his sentence.

"Popcorn," Ziyah said.

Vince simultaneously snapped his fingers and tapped his nose. "Ding, Ding, you got it right my nigga."

Vince laughed some more and Ziyah just shook his head amazed at seeing the star quarterback Vince Price off his A game and high off his ass. He also kind of felt bad thinking about how maybe he looked that stupid when he was high. Then again he was sure he looked alright.

Vince stopped laughing and got  somber, "You know I'll always love Vicki like always always."

Vince looked right into Ziyah's eyes and even though they both weren't in their right mind Ziyah believed what Vince was saying and maybe it was because he looked liked her, but his words made him think of Daya.

"You not going to remember this shit right?" Ziyah asked.

"Remember is a funny word. I remember, Ahh such a funny word." Vince went into his own little world as the weed took control of his mind.

Ziyah took this answer as a no and tried to gather what he wanted to say to one of the people closest to his ex who he hated using those two letters with. "You think I'm good enough for your sister?" He hadn't expressed any of these thoughts to anyone and he figured someone who was faded was his only chance to get it off of his chest.

Fortunately and unfortunately for him Vince began to slowly come back to reality. The key word being slowly. "My sister?" Vince asked ready to laugh again. "Oh my sister, yeah you got dreads I guess that means you're hood enough."

Ziyah shook his head at the misunderstanding and waited some more minutes before asking his next question about Daya. "Is she like ok now?" 

"I mean she just got back from sleepaway camp and is always on her phone," Vince went on. He locked eyes with Ziyah and even in his high state a light went off in his head. "Oh Daya she is Daya, but but, but," Vince stumbled over his words. "But she's hurt, did you hurt her?" At that question Vince realized where he was, and who he was, and although he smelled of weed he began to think like a normal person again. 

This question hit Ziyah right in his chest as he was sure he hurt her, but he tried to push that thought to the back of his head as much as possible.  As he was a little bit high he could picture Daya and Chase together with Lucas's words, but he didn't know what to do or even think at this point. 

Ziyah pushed aside Vince's question and went back into thinking about why the hell Vince was here anyway. Sure he was funny when he was faded and not all intimidating like he was  at school, but Ziyah's period of  sadness  required him being alone with no friends or family in his large house. Vince even though he did get back to getting out of his high mindset was also on the verge of nodding off completely. 

"Give me your phone," Ziyah said holding out his hand. 

Vince scrunched his brows, but handed his phone to Ziyah who at the moment to him seemed kind of cool sitting in his large house with no sisters or toddlers running around. 

Ziyah gestured for Vince to type in his passcode and after 5 tries Vince finally got it right. 

Being around when Lucas or Bree were hung over Ziyah knew exactly what to do and texted Vicki who responded after two minutes saying she was on her way. 

In those 15 minutes Vince completely knocked out with his mouth open and head back while Ziyah looked at his screen saver that was still sleeping Daya in all her glory. He didn't stop thinking about her  until his doorbell rang. We was low key scared at how Vicki was going to react. But then again he wasn't the one who drove over to someone else's house to get high for the first time. 

Vince was still knocked out, but Ziyah  walked over to the door. 

He opened the door and Vicki immediately spat, "Where is he?" 

Ziyah pointed towards the living room and he couldn't let a word escape his lips as Vicki strutted inside his house. She was irritated, but a bit impressed at how nice and clean the house was. 

Ziyah followed her in and she tried to hide her laughter seeing Vince sleeping like he was off heroin. 

All she had to do was tap her foot on the marble tile for Vince's eyes to blink open and come back to life. 

"Damn that was a good nap," Vince said not seeing Vicki's hands on her hips. At this moment Ziyah occupied himself with cleaning the sparkling tiles of the island. "Ayy Vicki, when did you get here." 

Vicki shook her head. "So I get high and then you decide to come and bother Ziyah by getting high." 

Vince began to laugh. "I'm not high," he said not even convincing himself. Somehow he was back to being dumb and how he was 30 minutes ago. "I Love you," he said looking at Vicki who even pissed was beautiful in her sundress. 

Vicki thought Vince's big ass smile was cute and frankly she was kind of glad he forgot about what she told him, but she still went over to the couch and walked him towards the door like a child. 

On her way she told Ziyah who walked them out, "I'm sorry about you and Daya, you'll get her back."

"Yeah you'll get her back," Vince added and Vicki pulled him in the direction of where he was parked. 

Ziyah didn't feel much hearing  her words and was just glad to be alone. 

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