I sighed "Mom, you know Grandma always did like to do things her own way"

Mom nodded "i know. I am not just entirely sure i am in the mood for Mayflower mausoleum in Mother's honor that awaits us upstairs"

We walked out of the elevator and the first thing that was heard was some Irish music. 

Mom's jaw dropped "oh my god"

Rufus walked to us "this was all here when i got home"

Grams' casket was in the middle of the room and people that i don't know were here too. 

Serena walked to us "There's whiskey, stew. "

Mom "And Mother. "

Serena "and those are out mourners' chairs. Where we will sit and mourn"

Me "Because this is an Irish wake"


The four of us were sitting on the chair behind the casket. 

Mom "i just can't believe that this was Mother's idea. And who are these people? i don't recognize a soul"

Rufus "i guess CeCe wanted us to celebrate her life, not mourn her death. So she didn't invite any stodgy socialites. Just the .."

Mom "the help. That was her butcher from East Hampton. and her driver. "

Me "The fireman that saved her life the night she left that candle burning. "

I eyed him and smirked "Well, now i know that i can't blame her for letting them burn because i would've burned the whole house down"

Serena nudged me. 

Suddenly Ivy showed up "Hi"

Mom "you. What are you doing here?"

Ivy "i was invited, by your mother herself. I promised her i'd come. I just came to pay my respects. I won't bother anybody. "

Then she walked away. 

Mom "this is all Carol's fault. I am sure she's hiding here somewhere"

Rufus "you can't let Carol get to you like this. The executor of the estate is supposed to be coming, whoever that is"

Me "My money's on that very very burning hot firefighter"

Rufus "i'm sure everything'll be explained once they read the will. "

Mom "Whoever it is, they better get here soon. Because i am not responsible for what i might do"


I downed my third shot of tequila. Nate was here with Charlie, and so were Blair and Dan. 

Nate walked over to me "Fla, you have a second?"

Me "what, Nate?"

Nate "are you jealous that i am with Lola now?"

I turned to him "first of all, her name is Charlie and not Lola"

He rolled his eyes. 

Me "and no, i am not jealous  - i am bothered!"

Nate "that i am sleeping with her?"

Me "that you are screwing my cousin, Nate. "

He scoffed, shaking his head. 

Me "out of everyone in the New York you, you had to choose her?"

Nate "no one knew you were related, Fla"

Me "But then we all found out and you continued seeing her "

Queen Flavia (Nate Archibald)Where stories live. Discover now