I decided to tell him everything, so I sat on the empty seat next to him and faced him. "Dad, I did not know that you felt so out of place in my life. Maybe I was too busy hating Mom for leaving me that I completely forgot that she left you too, and you loved her as much as I did. I have realized my mistake. I promise you from now onwards, I will tell you everything about my life. But I have one condition!" I said, looking straight into his eyes.

"What?" he replied, with a curious gaze.

"You have to come home from work every night and have dinner with your daughter," I ended the sentence with a smile.

"I will try my best." It will probably be hard, but at least he said he will try to do it. And that was enough for me.

"You will?"

"I will!"

"Okay, now stop with these sad conversations. What was the problem that you were telling me about?"

I had to tell him. Even though it sounded vague in my mind, getting information about this was very important.

"Dad...can you tell me why you have a book about werewolves locked in your bookshelf?"

The look I received from Dad made me more nervous then I had ever been!


"Which book?" he stuttered. Dad was absolutely horrible at lying.

"Dad, can you just tell me why you have locked that book up. I know that it's there, and you are clearly lying, so let's not waste time."

He realized that he was caught, so he decided to tell me about the book, "It's a very old book that has generic information about wolves. But why do you want it?" he asked.

I knew that he was going to ask me this question sooner or later. I was prepared with my answer, "It is for a school research project." I, on the other hand, was fairly good at lying. I got it from Mom, I guess. I knew that he won't easily let it slide, so that's why I kept the most important question for last.

"Just one more question and then I will go." I was nervous, but had to keep a strong voice, "Why did a woman named Claire write you a letter warning you about a curse?"

My dad's eyes were on the verge of popping out of their sockets. He replied in a shaky voice, "Did you really read that letter?" He looked confused first, and then started mumbling to himself, "But I was supposed to throw it. The emails must have distracted me." Then he looked back at me and he completed what he had to say. I was really worried about him at this point. "You don't need to worry about that, it is not related to you. It's me she wants." He pointed at himself. I took his finger and reversed it to point it at me, and I said, "You are wrong for the first time. Because in the letter, she clearly stated that she was talking about me the whole time. That indirectly means that she wants me." After finishing my statement, I took his hand and placed it back on his lap.

I could see from his expression that Dad had realized he could not hide things from me anymore. He is not good at lying, but sure is good at expressing himself! His face reveals everything. I wish I could have gotten all my answers by reading his expression only; then I would not have had to make him go through all this. Dad definitely looked out of place when we were talking about all this supernatural stuff. But I, on the other hand, felt like I had some sort of missing connection to the supernatural world. I had found out as much as I could on the internet, but deep inside I knew that this story was something completely new and unheard of.

Dad gave up, took a deep breath and spoke, "I knew that the day will come where I will have to tell you things that do not make sense to you. I don't have a valid explanation about whether these creatures that I am about to speak about, exist." I had to tell him that I knew werewolves existed so that he would not waste time explaining it to me.

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