Crack Shot

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"So, who wants to head down to the range and hone your marksmanship?" Commander Tran asks as he and the girls leave the mess hall.

"I'm certainly up for it." Lexington says as she and Enterprise trail the commander closely. When they reach the shooting range there are a few other soldiers already taking shots at the targets and the commander pulls out a HK417.

"I've been using this thing ever since I was a seaman, and I haven't lost my touch." Commander Tran chuckles as he snipes some of the further targets while Lexington pulls out what appears to be a musket. "Huh, what's that?"

"It's an old long rifle." Lexington replies. "I bet you I can hit a bullseye on that one target way back there." She chuckles, pointing to the target that's been placed furthest back.

"Alright, you take first shot then." Commander Tran says as the carrier takes aim and fires. The shot is extraordinarily loud and all of the other soldiers immediately stop what they're doing, thinking that there was an explosion, before they turn to Lexington and realize that it was her gun. Fortunately for the carrier she has hit her mark dead on. "Well color me impressed. Let me take a shot at that target." He chuckles as he takes aim. Having put a silencer on the sniper rifle beforehand the only sign that he hit the target is a loud clang as the bullet strikes it.

"You're a pretty good shot." Enterprise says. "But I bet you I can strike that same target with my arrows." She adds as she pulls out her bow and draws an arrow made of yellow light. She then angles up before releasing her arrow, and the loud clang confirms her hit. Pennsylvania soon joins in the fun as she brings out one of her main guns and aims at a much larger target meant for heavier guns. It's been placed just as far as the other one Lexington and the commander were shooting at, and Pennsylvania aims carefully.

"It might not make Warspite jealous but I think I can nail this one." Pennsylvania chuckles as she locks on and prepares to fire, but suddenly something hits her in the rear and she yelps, completely missing her shot as it completely destroys one of the smaller targets instead. She hides the gun away before she instantly turns around to see none other than the rowdy seaman from earlier walking off, and Commander Tran stops him.

"You're testing my patience here..." Commander Tran growls.

"I didn't do that on purpose!" The seaman replies.

"Are you sure about that?" Commander Tran asks. "There are security cameras around here, and I can look to see if you're lying."

"I swear! I'm not lying!" The seaman replies.

"Fine. I'll believe you, but only this time." Commander Tran grumbles. "You're dismissed, but just know I've got my eye on you..." He finishes as the seaman walks off. "He thinks that just because I'm not in uniform he can do whatever he wants! I oughta show him-"

"Hey, take it easy." Enterprise says. "I'm sure someone else can knock some sense into him for you."

"Yeah sure." Commander Tran replies. "Like the others will do anything." He mumbles as he suddenly walks off.

"Ah- commander! Wait! Where are you-" Lexington cuts herself off as he vanishes from her sight. "Oh my... Should I go follow him?"

"I'm not really sure." Yorktown replies. "But I honestly think you should. If he's trying to head to his office you know what he's probably gonna do."

"In that case I will." Lexington says as she heads off, leaving Saratoga with the others.

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