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A day had passed since the commander had been discharged from the medical wards, and everyone had gotten a taste of the commander's fashion sense outside of the uniform he always wore.

"Seems like you can't get away from the military style can you?" Lexington giggles as she walks alongside Commander Tran. His trademark outfit consisted of a light, almost white flannel, navy blue pants and sneakers, and a navy blue trench coat completed the whole look.

"I guess not." Commander Tran chuckles as another carrier rushes over to him. She sports pink hair much like Lexington but she's put it up in twin ponytails.

"Commander!" She cries out as she jumps and glomps Commander Tran.

"Whoa!" Commander Tran shouts as he tries to maintain his balance. "Easy there Saratoga."

"Sorry, I'm just glad to see you're okay!" Saratoga says.

"Sara, please let him go." Lexington says, and the carrier lets go. "Sorry about that."

"Eh, it's nothing really." The commander replies. "Long as I don't hit the ground I should be fine." He chuckles. "Well I'm gonna go see what's new around the base."

"Alright, if you need anything you know who to come to." Lexington says as Commander Tran walks off further into the base where he finds the common room.

"Have I really been in the office for so long that I've missed this room?" The commander asks himself as he looks around. Eventually his brown eyes make out a pair of brunette battleships sitting at one of the many couches in the common room, their distinctively blue uniforms giving them away.

"You really should come out of your office more often." The older of the two chuckles.

"Hello there Pennsylvania." Commander Tran chuckles back. "What are you and Arizona doing?"

"Just relaxing. You?" Pennsylvania asks.

"I'm... Actually not sure what I want to do." Commander Tran replies.

"Well, we all got the news about your stay in the medical ward." Pennsylvania says. "Don't overexert yourself now."

"I really don't want to lose you." Arizona says, a tear threatening to well up in one of her eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll try to take it easy." Commander Tran replies. "I've been given a whole month of sick leave. Sounds a little over the top but I'm not about to argue with the admiralty." He adds as he walks over to where the two are sitting. "I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all." Pennsylvania says as the commander takes a spot in between them. "Say, we haven't really gotten to know each other outside of the battlefield, have we?"

"No we have not." Commander Tran replies.

"Well I guess to start, got a hobby?" Pennsylvania asks.

"I used to write a lot." Commander Tran replies. "I remember filling up an entire notebook with various half-baked stories I came up with."

"What did you usually write?" Arizona asks.

"Anything that was on my mind really." Commander Tran replies. "I've got some really lighthearted stories, and then I've got some really dark ones. It's a real grab bag to look through. Actually I think I brought it along with me when I first came here. Let me check my quarters." He says, and Arizona trails behind, her interest piqued. "Hm... It's gotta be here somewhere..." He mumbles as he rummages through his drawers.

"Do you remember where you last put it?" Arizona asks.

"Not really... I kinda just left it in one spot and kinda forgot about it..." The commander replies as he rummages through the bottom drawers. "Hey Ari, can you check the top ones?"

"Sure thing." Arizona says as she rummages through the top ones. "Found it!" She calls out as she finds the notebook.


"OW!" Commander Tran shouts as he bashes his head on the bottom of his desk.

"Are you okay?!" Arizona asks.

"Yep... I'm alright." Commander Tran replies, rubbing his head. "I've had worse."

The Mighty Eagles: Carried AwayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora