Pretty Stars

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When the commander opened his eyes, he found himself in the same medical bay as before, once again with a nurse to his left and a group of very worried girls to his right.

"It's like the last few weeks all over again..." Commander Tran mumbles. "What happened to me?"

"Well, you hit your head and you were knocked out upon impact. These girls saw you and brought you to the medical bay where you weren't too responsive." The nurse replies. "You weren't out for too long, and it seems like you're okay."

"Did they ever catch that seaman?" Commander Tran asks Yorktown as he starts to sit up, but the carrier slowly and gently pushes him back down onto the bed.

"They caught him, and after we proved what treachery he had done, he was kicked out and he will probably be facing charges." Enterprise replies. "But it's you we're more worried about. How is his heart?"

"His heart?" The nurse asks. "His heart rate is somewhat abnormal given preexisting conditions but it appears to be okay. He must have told you girls didn't he?" And the girls nod in response. "Well, as of now he should be alright, he should be able to get back in the battlefield by the end of this month as proposed by the admiralty."

"Alright, thanks." Commander Tran says as he gets off the bed and joins the girls as they leave the medical bay. "At least they finally caught him."

"At least." Yorktown replies. "I didn't like him at all."

"That's nothing compared to what he did to me." Pennsylvania says. "Although you didn't really have to chase him down like that."

"I was acting on instinct." Commander Tran replies. "I was not about to let him get away with that, let alone everything else he did. It was either the admiralty dealt with him or I personally dealt with him and trust me, he was gonna want the admiralty over me."

"You're saying this like it's happened to you before..." Hornet says worriedly.

"Well, that's because it has happened to me before." Commander Tran replies, surprising the girls. "I will never let anyone go through what I had to experience."

"Commander..." Arizona trails off, not knowing what else to say, but then she sees Commander Tran go stiff. "Commander!"

"Argh! Not... Again!" Commander Tran says through gritted teeth as he clutches his chest again and Arizona breaks his fall once more. He takes deep breaths to try and calm himself down, and a minute passes before his heart rate returns to normal and he can stand up again. "Once again thank you Arizona."

"Any time." Arizona replies as the group finds themselves in the entertainment room once more and he and the battleship find themselves at the gaming system once more, this time playing an on rail shooter.

"Oh, this supports up to eight players!" Commander Tran says. "You girls wanna join?"

"We'd love to!" Saratoga says as she and the others join Arizona and Commander Tran.

"Looks like this is a hunting game, one that you would probably find at an arcade." Commander Tran chuckles as he picks the eight player mode and everyone enters initials that will easily distinguish them from each other with the commander using his own initials and the girls using their class initials and numbers. "We'll be rotating so this should be interesting... What do we all want to go for?"

"Let's do deer. It's practically begging us." Pennsylvania chuckles. "I bet you I can get a higher score than you girls."

"You're on!" Hornet chuckles.

"Who's to say that I may be the one that wins?" Commander Tran chuckles as the game starts.

The Mighty Eagles: Carried Awayحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن