Pologue: 4 Months

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A/N: This is originally the final chapter of IHEAY but in this sequel, think of it as a prologue.


The four sat in silence at their table in the bustling cafe.

Katsuki leaned back in his chair, arms crossed, glaring at the pair across the table.

Hanta avoided his eyes, drumming his fingers on the counter, and Denki looked nervously at Ejirou as he bit his nails.

'I uhm....' Ejirou began after a minute of awkward silence, before looking round at Bakugo and Sero. '......maybe it's best if Kaminari and I talk alone...?'


'Katsuki, please..?,'

'...Fine....come on flex tape,' he said begrudgingly, walking towards the other side of the room. Sero awkwardly followed as Bakugo began to say, 'Let's get a bagel so I can shove it up your—'

'Katsuki behave,' Ejirou called to him, before turning back to a very embarrassed-looking Denki. 'Ok....I'm just....gonna ask some questions, okay? And I need the truth. There's no point in lying, the truth can't possibly get any worse so....how— how long?'

'Uhm....' Kaminari tried to avoid his gaze, but faltered. '....We kissed - well, made out...for the first time in the first month that you and I were going out. When we were both high. We agreed not to do it again but.... after a couple weeks, I was feeling pretty low, so I went over to his and....stuff happened. And then it just...didn't stop.... But you have to believe that every time it happened, we said that it would be the last, because I felt so damn guilty—'

'It's too late to apologize.'

Kaminari bowed his head. 'I know.'

Kirishima huffed, running a hand through his hair. 'Look....I'm only gonna ask this once... Why?'

'....Okay.' Kaminari reset himself, sitting up in his chair, and putting his elbows on the table. 'Okay... The first few weeks that we went out were...amazing. It was honestly fucking great. But as time went on....I could see that you weren't...well...quite there. It was as if half the time your mind was on vacation and took you with it. I'd kiss you and even if you kissed me back, it was like you didn't feel anything,' his eyes became sad, his voice cracking slightly. 'Now, I completely get that your mental state gave me no right to do what I did—'

'You're right. It didn't.'

'...It's just...I felt so alone. It didn't even feel like I had a boyfriend. I'd give you affection and when you tried to return it it just felt....second-hand. And the sex was just empty. Emotionless. It just....our relationship just became this....empty shell of what a relationship should be....of what I had - have with Hanta.'

That was something Kirishima could agree on - looking back, he did realise that his poor mental state had caused the relationship to become increasingly one-sided. Still.... 'So why didn't you break up with me? And go be with Sero freely? No strings attached?'

Then Kaminari met his eyes, and they were the saddest he'd seen yet.
'Because, Kirishima, you were so broken - And I was selfish. I didn't want to be the one to— to make all of your walls come down. Yes, I cheated on you for a long time, but I still cared about you. And I still do.'

'...Mmm...' Ejirou looked at his lap, smiling sadly. 'That's where we— you, went wrong. Because sometimes you have to break down the walls in order to build them back up again. Stronger.' He stood from his chair, picked up his coat and put it on. 'Kaminari, I'll be honest - I....don't know if I can forgive you for what you've done. But I do understand why you did it. And I do want to try and make this friendship work. Now that's more than I can say for Katsuki - he may murder you the first chance he gets - but give us time. Just a few months. And we'll see if we can make it work.' Ejirou smiled at him then, one of his grins that put his spiked teeth on display, before picking up his umbrella and walking away from the table, leaving Kaminari sitting there with his thoughts and a mug of hot chocolate.

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