Recap - I Hate Everything About You

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Note: credit to the artist of the art i have used in the book cover, it is in no way my own, nor is any of the art I include in this book unless stated (the mood boards are mine tho ;)).

'I Hate Everything About You' (IHEAY) is my short story about the events leading up to this book - link is below.

This book 'I Love Everything About You' is the sequel, and will be a lot longer (IHEAY is only 6 chapters).

The following recap is for readers who have either forgotten the events of IHEAY or who do not want to read it before this book [although I highly suggest you do ;)].

Here is the link: fuck it the link isn't working so just go to my page and find it there :")

And here is the recap:

Chapter 1: I Hate You Too
Teenage Bakugo and Kirishima are having an increasingly heated argument in Kirishima's dorm room, regarding a jealous Bakugo's concerns about Kaminari, claiming he flirts with Kirishima.
As the fight continues, Kirishima says that despite the fact that he and Bakugo have been dating for 11 months, Bakugo still won't admit that he is gay (or at least isn't straight), which triggers him further.
" 'I'm. Not. Gay.' Katsuki spat.
'Says the guy who held me, and kissed me, and told me he loved me for 11 months.' "

Their insults begin to increase, and Kirishima eventually says something along the lines of 'I hate you when you're like this!'
Hurt, Bakugo stalks towards the door despite Kirishima's protests, and exits the room saying, 'And for the record, I hate you too.'. The pair are both left crying on either side of the closed door.

Four and a half years later, Bakugo is revealed to be working at the counter of a gas station.
Physically he is in poor condition; he is slimmer and less muscular, his hair is longer and unkempt, and his eyes are sunken and tired. He is shown to be drinking beer and liqueur and has an implied addiction to alcohol.
He gets a text from Momo on a group chat detailing a class reunion, and at first is resentful. Then, after thinking of Kirishima, he decides to go, and books a room at the hotel venue.
The chapter ends with him thinking of Kirishima:
" He's not possibly doing any better than me, is he..?
And the answer was no, he wasn't. "

Chapter 2: Ignorance Is Key
The chapter opens on Kirishima crying in the bathroom of a cafe, presumably the result of a panic attack or similar. He is tall and well built, but his hair is grown out, so it is longer and black apart from the ends. He no longer gels and spikes it; His eyes are tired from lack of sleep and his skin is paler. Eventually he wipes his eyes and splashes his face with water before exiting the toilet.

He returns to his table where his boyfriend Kaminari is waiting with their drinks, and doesn't notice that Kirishima has been crying.
They have both received the message about the class reunion, which leads to them discussing the members of the class, avoiding the topic of Bakugo...

That night Kirishima's phone goes off at around 3am - and the notification sound is an explosion. Careful not to wake Kaminari next to him, Kirishima grabs his phone and reads the message, which is from Bakugo to the class group chat, confirming that he'll be at the reunion.
Kaminari half wakes up, and tells Kirishima he loves him, who replies with:
" 'I...I love you too Denki...' I think. "

Chapter 3: Facing Facts
Katsuki is drinking and smoking in his small apartment, fuming and with a splitting headache. Frustrated, he throws a beer bottle at the wall.
" I'm not ready for him to see me like this. "

I Love Everything About You [KiriBaku]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora