Chapter Sixteen: New Beginnings and New Risks

Start from the beginning

"There's the Aditi I know," he murmured into my hair. "I have to admit, you in a sari... it's something else. You were like a Bollywood actress."

I snorted. "Well, maybe I should keep wearing them then."

He chuckled. "Only if you want to." He reached around me and picked up the taweez he had given me, a symbol of his love for me, and fastened it around my neck. "You can wear this now."

I ran my fingers over it, beaming. "I missed you," I told him.

He turned me around so he could kiss me. "I missed you too."

It turned out, Vivaan's idea was to go to Club Karma. While he said it was so we could finally have some fun, I knew he had his own motives. The line was as long as he once told me it would be, and when we finally went inside, into the flashing lights, the pulsing music, Vivaan's gaze immediately traveled to the bar. Preeti was just as beautiful as ever, leaning over the counter as she chatted with a girl. 

"Go," I said to Vivaan, having to lean close so he could hear me. He looked at me uncertainly and I nodded. "You can finally tell her. Go."

Vivaan took a deep breath, and headed towards the bar. I grabbed Farhan's hand and led him to the dance floor. His eyes widened in panic. 

"You and I are going to dance," I said, grinning.

"I don't dance." Farhan shook his head. "Nuh-uh."

"You do now. Come on. We'll be together, it's fine."

It took a couple of shots for Farhan to finally relax enough to dance. After that, things picked up and the two of us could do nothing else but move together in beat. Every time I looked at the bar, Vivaan and Preeti were deep in conversation, the girl she had been taking had joined them. His face was alight, and I was glad he had a chance at happiness now. 

The three of us drove back home, Farhan and I a sweaty, drunken mess. 

"You're amazing, bro," Farhan slurred as he reached across to pat Vivaan's face. "Did I ever tell you that? You're amazing for letting me have my girl back."

"Alright, alright." Vivaan wacked his hand away. "Let me drive."

I giggled in the back seat, then leaned forward between their seats. "Did you tell Preeti about our arrangement?"

"I did." Vivaan sighed. "She was shocked, but happy that we did this for ourselves."

"Then why are you so glum?" I asked. 

"Because I couldn't tell her. She had her friend there.... but I was hoping she would at least say something."

"You gotta tell her, bro." Farhan blinked slowly a couple of times. "She won't... she won't say anything."

Vivaan frowned at me. "Why does he keep calling me bro?"

"He's drunk. Just go with it."

We all collapsed into bed at home. Our home. Our own place. The thought made me so happy, I fell asleep with a smile, wrapped in Farhan's arms. 

By the next morning though, all thoughts about our own place was gone. I woke up panicked that I had slept in and hadn't helped Jayanti in the kitchen. I gasped and jerked up in bed, waking Farhan up with a jolt too. We both groaned when our head pulsed. 

"What's wrong?" Farhan moaned, rolling around to go back to sleep. 

"Sorry," I said. "Habit."

Cringing at my hangover, I crawled out of bed and headed to the kitchen in search for some painkillers. I took two, then placed two on the bedside table for Farhan along with a glass of water for when he woke. I went and sat in the lounge, enjoying the quiet and dimness, until Vivaan came out of his room with a towel around his neck, freshly showered and awake. 

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