Chapter 4 (Seth)- ...If Two of them are Dead

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Seth started crying onto the paper and whispered to himself, "I love you too Arastoo..." He almost soaked through it by the time he placed it back on the desk. After a few minutes, he was able to regain his composure. Alex and Maria stayed quiet to give him the time that he needed. They got up to hug him after he wiped his face.

"Sorry about...", he apologized as they all sat down again, "I could not hold it in any more. It... It was just a lot to take in."

"I completely understand Seth!" Maria assured gently, "I lost my parents too, shortly after they told me and got me in on the Family secret. I was not as young as you but I also eventually had Arastoo and the rest too help."

"I did not know that Dr. Kaaka..."

"Please, call me Maria! Almost everyone does. And don't worry about, I have had many decades to come to terms, and peace, with their deaths, and everything else."

Seth smiled. "Thank you Maria. I now understand why Arastoo told me to transfer and come here. You have been a great mentor too!"

"That was what mine and Arastoo's jobs entailed, nurturing and protection."

"When Arastoo said protocol, is that what was referring too?" Alex asked.

"Yes, that is exactly what he meant!" Maria explained, "For the last few thousand years, there have been a number of different Families across the globe who protect, control, search for, exploit, or bury knowledge and secrets. Unfortunately, the most powerful and wealthy Families have the most say by directly and indirectly controlling governments, countries, economies, religions, and/or cultures. Otherwise, most of the Families play nice and some even protect one another. The one major protocol, or rule, the Families created was never to reveal a secret or piece of knowledge to anyone unless you have permission from the appropriate Families, or if a person stumbled upon such knowledge or secret. Arastoo and I are protectors, among other things. We were tasked to protect Seth after his parents died. Recently, we kind of decided to become whistleblowers and try to unravel... everything... Looks like it did not work out."

Seth just looked at her not knowing what to say.

"Yes, it is a lot to take in."

"It really is but thinking about it, all of that makes so much sense. From what I remember about my parents. The talking behind closed doors. Them trying to figure if I will be ready or if they should even get me involved. Occasionally, they would disappear to some meeting for days or weeks and make up an excuse. It is so clear to me right now!"

Seth got up and started pacing around the office. "Who else is involved? I mean, who else do you and Arastoo know? Maybe we can all get together and fight back, or something!"

"I wish it was that easy Seth." Maria frowned. "Most of us are dead, missing, or already in hiding. One of Arastoo's oldest friends, Leo Desmond, or something like that, died almost a month ago. Another old friend, Malcolm Smith, who Arastoo met up with in New York before the expedition, went missing shortly after. He has not been seen or heard from since. Moriko and Kaneonuskatew have already gone into hiding. Some others have fallen off the radar as well. Between dying and disappearing, there are not that many of us left."

"What about Michael and Demetrio? Do they know? Are they a part of you guys?" Seth inquired.

"Michael is definitely not but we have been uncertain about Demetrio for some time. As like you, their lives are equally in danger."

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