Chapter 22: Rin becomes Hell Boy.

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Norowareta Ningyō Ni Tojikomerareta(Jap)

Trapped In A Cursed Doll(English)

Story Thus far: Sakura had 4 children with Kaito giving Yukima four true blood siblings. Time passed as moments happened between them, Yukima got super attached to the two vampire sons giving them special treatment. Yukima  ends up giving them everything they want and filling all of their desires. One day her when human siblings went on a school trip, she had her first threesome and also became her last as Satoshi told her his painful feelings. He finally seriously claimed her and she accepted his feelings rejecting anyone that stood in their path.

  -5 Years Ago From Present Story-

Yukima: What's wrong Rin?!

Rin: You seam so close to them...

Yukima: I am! Did something happen at school you seam down by the phone call.

Rin: My bother...he got possessed.

Yukima: No w-way!

Shinya: Where ya going?

I need to solve some things with my brother...I don't even know where to start. I tell them I'll be gone for some time and just like that I walk out the door. I feel the autumn air freeze my soul but I shake it off as I go towards my brother. My heart acheing I see my brother held in a cage trying to break free I sense a lot of anger I get let into the cage then it gets locked behind me. Brother! I shout multiple times trying to get him to come back but all he does is scream grown and scrape my skin off. And suddenly there it is tears running down his eyes as he suddenly grips my neck squeezing his hands around. I flare up as tears run down my eyes I start burning him alive What a horrible dad I have...even to do such a thing to my brother before I notice I hear people around me screaming to stop.

Mephisto: This can't be helped...Swallow him up in the four serpents thay...

I watch confused as he casts a spell at me the next I can see again see that I'm in hell and dad comes over to me starting to talk some shit about me being the new successor.

Rui: Okumura Rin is it?

Rin: Yeah that's me...WHERES MY BROTHER?!

Rui: Follow me.

Rin: *I feel her tug me by the corner or my shirt then suddenly I'm in this unformiliar place* Where am I?

Akina: ...

Rui: Mistress I have chosen.

Akina: Don't want to be air?

Rin: Of course not!

Akina: Then become my companion and help me banish souls to hell instead.

Rin: Can't I just go back home.

Rui: Listen here shit! Master is saving you from your fate in hell so be grateful!

Rin: S-sure...

Akina: Will you accept or decline?

Rin: I accept.

Akina: *I kiss his forehead giving him a seal bonding him to me*

Rin: W-what's this for?

Akina: Hell seal, Rui explain him what needs to be done. *I walk away*

Rin: Oi wait!

Rui: We work by getting requests from humans who want retribution seeking to send their vengeance to hell.

Rin: Hmm...Requests?

Rui: Requests come from mistresses computer on Hell Site. A hotline for banishing the source of ones vengeance to hell.

Rin: I see...can I banish Yato?

Rui: You may not. Only humans can use it and only if they access the site at 12:00 having a strong aura of vengeance.

  -One Week Later-

Rin: Can I go visit my girlfriend?

Akina: Who?

Rin: Takishima Yukima.

Akina: Let's go.

Rui: Really mistress?

Akina: Yes:

Yukima: *I suddenly hear a knock at the door and I open it* H-hello?

Akina: Hi, I am Akina Ai.

Yukima: Nice to meet you. Rin! Are you-

Rin: My brothers gone to heaven. *I tell her as my eyes wonder restless*

Rui: He is now hell boy accomplice.

Yukima: How nice, come on in.

Akina: *I walk in sitting down*

Satoshi: Onee-sama who are they?

Yukima: Rin's co-workers.

Satoshi: *I hug her hiding my head on her chest*

Yukima: *I pull him on my lap stocking his hair*

Akina: Vampires?

Yukima: Un!

Shinya: Onee-chaan who are these people?!

Yukima: Rin's co-workers.

Shinya: Hi I'm Shinya, a twelve year old pureblood vampire boy.

Akina: *I crack a small smile* Cute.

Shinya: Who?

Akina: You're cute! *I grab him hugging him*

Rui: *I blush* She's never been so found of someone...

Yukima: *I pat Akina's head* You're really cute too.

Akina: *I smile then stare at the black haired boy* You hate me don't you?

Satoshi: I...don't hate you...just uh...scared to talk to new people.

Yukima: *I pinch his cheeks* So shy and cute~

I watch as they talk and finaly when she goes off to the toilet I follow going in with her shutting the door behind us.

Yukima: Rin?

Rin: I missed you so so much! You can't even imagion!

Yukima: Me too. We should not-

Rin: *I start kissing her and grabbing hold of her brests rubbing them*

Akina: Request.

Rui: Shall I get Rin?

Akina: Yes.

I get called by Rui and kick the door annoyed going with them we suddenly get warped appering in some man's room.

Akina: *I give me a black straw doll* Take it, if you really want retribution then untie the red thread and the source of your vengeance will emidiently be banished to hell.

Mokun: *I grab hold of the thread gritting my teeth*

Rin: Humans are such pitiful creatures.

Mokun: Hell Boy?!

Rin: Nope, her accomplice.

Akina: But by uniting the thread you will enter into a contract with me and you will also be sent to hell, Curses come home to roost your soul will belong to hell.

Mokun: Makes sence...I don't care what happens to me just make sure she goes to hell for her sins! *I pull the thread*

Rin: You're vengeance has been granted.

Miki: *I open the door*

Rin: Hi there, I saw you at the mixer last night.

Miki: Oh-hu-hu~ I was! Why don't you treat me to dinner?

Rui: *Stares*

Rin: Sure, shall we go now?

Miki: *Smirks I walk towards him and kiss him*


Miki: Hahahaha!

Akina: *Wave my hands making two copies of Rin*

Rins: *Grab Miki and one shoves dick in her pussy one in her ass the other in her mouth*

Rui: What a gross guy I would never date him.

Akina: Dating men liked by other woman just to feel valuable. Oh pitiful soul wondering in darkness...

Miki: Mmgghh! *Sturggles*

Akina: Care to give death a try? *I wave my hands upwards sending her into hell dimension*

Miki: Gyaaaah! Where am I going? Why a boat?! What is with these zombies?! My fear aaagghhh!

Akina: ... *Rows Boat*

Miki: Answer me!

Akina: I conceal the entrance to Hell. *Rows passed entrance bridge*

Mokun: Sorry I don't feel like going to mixers for a while. Have fun without me.

Maine: Actually...I wanted to go on a date with you...but I was too nervous to ask...I'm sorry about the problem that woman caused you.

Mokun: You're the girl she tormented?!

Maine: Y-yeah...

Mokun: I'm terribly sorry!

Maine: N-no need to apologise...I should of told you my feelings.

Rin: Lucky ending for this one.

Rui: I agree, right mistress?

Akina: Let's get going now. *I start walking away*

-4 Years Ago From Present Story-

Rin: Yuukii!

Yukima: *I rub my eyes pulling myself up sitting in bed*

Satoshi: *I turn over* What's wrong Onee-sama?

Rin: You sleep with him?

Yukima: Yup!

Satoshi: *I sit up giving Rin an evil stare*

Yukima: I'll be down in a moment, wait downstairs for me.

Rin: Ah su-

Satoshi: *I grab hold of her closing my eyes feeling sleepy*

Yukima: Sei! *I bring the brush into my hand and I start brushing his hair*

Rin: *I feel a strange feeling as I walk out going downstrais*

Satoshi: Onee...

Yukima: *I kiss his cheek* Yes dear?

Satoshi: *I grab the brush and start brushing her hair*

Yukima: *I blush turning around so he can brush better*

Shinya: Yo Rin!

Rin: Eh another brother.

Shinya: What's that supposed to mean? *I elbow him* Let's play a video game, I bet I can beat you now!

Rin: Yeah right!

Yukima: *I start walking down and sit on the couch watching them*

Rin: See, you need a lot more practice.

Yukima: Don't be so hard on him!

Shinya: *I look at her surprised*

Satoshi: Hmm...

Yukima: He's only 11...obviously he won't be better then you, neither can you be better then yourself now when you where 11!

Shinya: Onee!

Yukima: Eh? *I look at him worridly*

Shinya: *I run to her and ruffle her hair*

Satoshi: Shinya baka!

Yukima: *I smile*

Rin: *Sighs* You're over protective.

Yukima: I am not!

Rin: *I walk up to her grabbing her cheek*

Yukima: Not in fro-

Rin: *I kiss her*

Yukima: *I pull away* Not in front of them!

Rin: What's wrong with just a kiss?

Yukima: *I slap him*

Satoshi: *I bite my lip*

I feel so angry I leave and stop my visits coming to this house. But I soon feel a crazy urge to touch her so one year later I ask mistress for time off. She accepts and just like that I rush to Takishima house.

-3 Years Ago From Present Story-

Rin: *I knock at the door*

Shinya: Hi Rin. Come on in, long time no see.

Satoshi: What are you doing here?

Rin: Ah...I was really busy so I couldn't come back for a while.

Satoshi: You don't deserve Onee-sama so stop comming here and give up already.

Shinya: Satoshi...that's not a very nice thing to say...but I agree. What type of boyfriend doesn't even at least visit once a month.

Yukima: Rin? You came to visit?

Rin: Ah you're 30 years old and still look 18. Amazing!

Yukima: Hmph! Don't just stand there...come on it.

Rin: You're vampire form?

Yukima: You don't like it?

Shinya: I think it's very sexy!

Satoshi: *I elbow him* Baka!

I make them food and we all eat at the table. I ask about the other siblings and I forget that they go to school in the day so it's mostly just them three together. She tells me how she's doing that she's so proud of her brothers for being much stronger then she ever was and that they are doing much better even though they aren't awoken. When we finish I lead her to her room and I'm surprised to see how much it's changed that she has half of the room her things and the other half Satoshi's things but they share the wardrobe having half hers half his. I remove our clothes throwing my slipper to the door I apologise then push her down.

Satoshi: Keep quite and watch, you will see why I hate him so much.

Shinya: O-okay. That shoe scared me.

Yukima: What are you doing Rin?

Rin: Showing you my love. *I spread out her legs shoving my dick inside her*

Shinya: Woo

Satoshi: *I put my hands over his mouth biting my lip trying not to scream*

Yukima: Ukhh~ I see...*I look to one side with sad eyes*

Rin: I'm sorry for not being here for you, Jigoku Shoujo (Hell girl) has kept me very busy. *I start shoving in and out* Ah-ah-ah~

Yukima: Nghh~ *Tears start running down my eyes and I look shocked I quickly whipe them off*

Rin: Something wrong? *I stop moving*

Yukima: Nope...I though something when into my eyes.

Shinya: *I pull his hands down sighing quietly*

Rin: Good nothing is wrong. *I start fucking her again and lay on her kissing her*

Yukima: *I close my eyes moving my arms off the mattress I embrace him*

Shinya: Is he raping her?

Satoshi: Not really because she's letting him...but she doesn't feel the same he does...she's just doing this to please him.

Shinya: I get sided love?

Satoshi: Y-yeah...*I grab his arm pulling him away from the door* Do you understand now why I hate him?

Shinya: Yes...he's a jerk.

Satoshi: He isn't even considering her feelings...I'm sure he can sense something's off.

Shinya: It's her fault for not telling him her feelings!

Rin: I'm cumming inside you okay?

Yukima: No!

Satoshi: *I open the door rushing in*

Shinya: *I run in after him*

Rin: *I cover us with the blanket* Hi boys, you tell her too that she should drink some blood.

Yukima: I don't want to hurt him, what's wrong with not wanting to hurt him?! *I look at them nervously then return my cold eyes*

Satoshi: I need help with my homework Onee-sama.

Yukima: I'll be right there!

I feel the same rage as before and I apologise to her then tell her I will talk later about our future, just like that I leave and chill my anger by exercising demons back to hell. Next year I get a call from Yukima and I rush to the house it's spring and the weather is not too hot and not too cold I knock at her door and get surprised to find Takuya opening it. I get walked into the living room where all the band members are all staring at me soon coming to a silence. And of course her two vampire brothers are standing next to her as if they ate guarding her.

Takuya: What's going on Rin?

Rin: I quit the band.

Sotoru: You fucking kiding?

Rin: I am not, I am not supposed to be on earth anymore since I died once.

Seika: Yuki, are you feeling okay?

Yukima: Ah?! Y-yeah!

Kaneki: You're crazy Rin.

Satoshi: Onee...

Yukima:'re really cute Satoshi. *I lift him up in my arms hugging him*

Shinya: That's so childish haha!

Satoshi: So what? You don't love her as much as I do to understand.

Yukima: *I look at him blushing as I put him down*

Youta: Haha!

Rin: Listen up. Takuya will be your new leader from now on.

Seika: Are you sure Rin? You can always come back if you want.

Rin: I'm sorry...I can't really do that. But on my free time visits here I promise to hang out with you all.

Seika: What's your relationship status with Yuki?

Rin: She's mine! Don't even dare to make moves on her when I'm gone!

Satoshi: She isn-

Yukima: *I place my finger over my lips*

Satoshi: Why...why do you let him do as he pleases?

Yukima: *I hug him* Because of what we've been through.

Shinya: Rin.

Rin: What's up?

Shinya: I hate you! *I stomp on his foot then run away*

Rin: Owh! What was-

Yukima: I'm terribly sorry Rin! I'll go talk to him. *I start running out*

Satoshi: Onee-sama! *I run after her*

Rin: *I start walking after them having a strange feeling inside as if she's way too close to them*

Shinya: Onee-chan!

Yukima: Shinya...please don't act so disrespectful like that.

Rin: ...

Satoshi: I hate him too Onee-sama.

Yukima: I know you do...I'm proud you act mature Satoshi.

Shinya: *I fold my arms starting to cry*

Yukima: Shi- I...uh... *I drop down to my knees hugging him*

Satoshi: I really wish you can stop being Rin's girlfriend...he isn't even here for you.

Shinya: I know right?! What boyfriend visits only one time a year!

Rin: *I clutch my fists*

Yukima: I...I can't...we've been through so much, I don't have the heart to break his heart.

Satoshi: You're so kind sister. *I embrace her*

Yukima: *I hug both of their wastes* I love you both so much!

Rin: Tsk...So damn protective!

Satoshi: *I see Shinya approaching for a kiss and I push him away* I sense a presence.

Yukima: You're in human form did you know to activate it?

Satoshi: Had a feeling Rin would follow me. *I transform in my vampire form looking towards the door*

Shinya: Hmph! *I transform too and grab hold of her shoulders*

Rin: Smart one kid!

Yukima: I'm truly sorry about his behaviour...I promise you it-

Shinya: *I kiss her lips*

Satoshi: *My eyes widen and my iris's shrink down shocked*

Yukima: *As soon as he pulls away I ruffle his hair and giggle* You're too old to be kissing me this way anymore.

Rin: *I walk out feeling the unbearable anger filling me up again*

Satoshi: Rin-san wait.

Rin: What the hell do you want?

Satoshi: My brother is trying to get digs at you please forgive his actions.

Rin: Says the boy that hates me.

Satoshi: If you would be here more for her I wouldn't, I just want to see my sister happy...I don't want her to keep crying and suffering as Yato has troubled her since she didn't have a-

Rin: What now?! Yato was troubling her?! After all this time we did our best to rise him well.

Satoshi: I just want you to protect her the way her family can' try to make more time for her when possible. *I transport myself back to the living room before he can answer*

I can't believe smart kid he his indeed. I'll show that Shinya punk once and for all Yuki is only mine. I walk out thinking as what to do for her next month. I appear before her once a month taking her out on dates and spending time with her. I can feel myself getting crazier and crazier for her and each encounter I end up getting intimate with her.

-3 Months Later-

Yukima: Careful now Keita!

Keita: Ryōna! *I trip falling on the ground*

Rin: Here you are!

Yukima: *I gasp rushing to Keita's side* Hi Rin!

Rin: They must be your human siblings.

Ryōna: And so what if we are?! You forgot us already?

Rin: Not at all, I-

Keita: I can't hold back anymore please save me!

Yukima: It's okay to cry dear, it even hurts me the same it does for you. *I lift him up in my arms seeing his cut knee it burns my heart*

Rin: Hey bro, don't be afraid of crying we guys cry too.

Keita: I'm always a crybaby! *I start crying burying my head in her chest*

Yukima: *I wave my free hand around making an invisible barrier* Can you hold him for me please Rin?

Keita: No! I don't wan-

Yukima: Let's do this fast to make the pain go away. Please Keita, for me.

Keita: Okay...*I don't struggle letting him grab me onto his lap*

Yukima: *I approach my face towards his knee starting to lick his leg*

Ryōna: Feels good doesn't it Keita?

Keita: Shut up! Nnn~

Rin: You're overprotective aren't gonna be by his side all his life to heal all his wounds you know.

Yukima: *I lick up the last of his cut and pull away* I will! No matter what.

Rin: *I let him go* And you where blabbing about how you will make sure they have normal human lives. Yeah right!

Yukima: I can't have them be in pain when I can do something about it!

Rin: Make them vampires then.

Yukima: Never!

Ryōna: Why not?!

Yukima: *Cough cough* Because!

Keita: She doesn't want us to be her servant like Sena.

Yukima: How do you know this?!

Keita: Shinya told me.

Yukima: *I grit my teeth giving him a bad look* I see...I still have the barrier up so now would be a good time to erase your memories of this.

Ryōna: Erase?! Is that why when I get some information I am sure I didn't hear before making it feel like dejavu is because I actually did know it before?!

Yukima: I must protect you both! Forgive me...I promise to tell-

Ryōna: Stay away! *I start running off*

Keita: *I start to cry* Don't erase my memories anymo- whaaaagh!

Yukima: I should of erased all knowledge of the supernatural but then...I couldn't heal you anymore.

Rin: Exactly so erasing things is pointless now.

Yukima: Ryōna! Please stop running. Maybe I should heal them unconsciously like I did before under their plaster without them knowing.

Keita: *I start running away with Ryōna*

Rin: And I thought you only cared about your vampire brothers.

Yukima: That's not so at all...I care more for these two, to live the life I couldn't a normal life.

Rin: As if you want a normal life. You would age and die rapidly.

Yukima: Tch! *I run after them and stop sitting on the bench of the park coughing*

Keita: *I climb down the stairs of the slide walking over to her* Are you okay Nee?

Yukima: Y-yeah...*cough cough* Haah...just a little tired.

Keita: You're not going to erase our memories are you?

Yukima: I won't...*I look away* I don't want you both to worry so much about unnecessary both need to live a peaceful normal life.

As the kids play we stay and talk. It starts to get dark and I suddenly notice her worrid face as she looks at the time seeing it's almost seven. I watch as she get their attention  "We need to hurry home and eat dinner, and finish homework for tomorrow also have a bath and it's so late...I'm so sorry I lost track of time." She says, Keita walks to us ready to go but the girl refuses to come down from the slide.

Ryōna: I am not getting close to you again!

Yukima: Please Ryōna, we need to go home.

Ryōna: I'm not listening to you! I won't ever forgive you.

Yukima: I'm sorry Imouto! I will do anything for you go forgive me, so please come on down.

Ryōna: Anything? Hmm...then restore all the memories that have been whipped from our memories!

Yukima: *I silently look at her*

Ryōna: And of course same goes to Keita. And never ever erase our memories again!

Yukima: *I bite my lip*

Rin: Shit, I need to go I have a request!

Keita: *I look at my sister with tears in my eyes as I shake to her touch feeling my heart broken*

Yukima: I'll handle it, good luck on-

I kiss her "thanks baby! See you." I shout back then disappear appearing as a doll in masters hands. I get given to a little girl that has bruises all over her. The little girl impatiently pulls the tread ignoring mistresses warning. I then watch as the man's bad deeds turn back to him and his wife and daughter start whipping him with a belt and after the man screams to stop mistress shows up in front of him giving him her lines then asks him if he cares to give death a try and just like that vanishes with him. We get teleported back to mistresses house and she soon returns and tells us to pick berries with her. As another month passes by I am about to ask then before I finish my sentence she accepts. I suddenly rush back to Takishima house I knock on the door.

Ryōna: *I open it* Rin?

Rin: Hi! I was thinking about what happened last month, care to tell me what happened?

Ryōna: Why?!

Rin: Well...I just wanted to know if you got your way.

Ryōna: What's in it for me?

Rin: I can ask any one question you want?

Ryōna: Perfect! Come, I will tell you in my room all about it.

  -Last Month After Rin Left-

Yukima: But this truth is very heavy for you both.

Keita: I rather know it then have my trust broken sis.

Yukima: Ah...fine! I'll restore all the memories you both has stolen. Come here the both of you.

Ryōna: She pressed one hand on our foreheads and returned all out taken memories. Just like that!

Rin: All of them? Wow that's cool.

Ryōna: Even...Satoshi erased my memories. I can't believe it.

Rin: How do you know this?

Ryōna: Because some scenes only he knew I heard or saw what he thought I shouldn't of.

Rin: Like what for example?

Ryōna: Enough questions! My turn to ask any one I want and you will answer it!

Rin: Yes, yes.

Ryōna: What are you feelings right now for my sister?

Rin: *I choke shocked* I don't know...

Ryōna: I want an answer not I don't know!

Rin: I have really loved her but I think she doesn't feel that way anymore for me.

Ryōna: She doesn't. Do you actually even love her, or is it more like lust her?

Rin: Where do you have such ideas from?

Satoshi: Careful what you say Ryōna.

Rin: Whoa! Where did you come from?!

Satoshi: You know this doesn't mean you need to spread it.

Ryōna: But they don't even love each other!

Satoshi: Listen Ryōna, for the sake of Yukima's feelings you better watch your words. If she wants to say such things she will do so herself.

Ryōna: Then what about your feelings?!

Satoshi: That isn't important if it doesn't also come from Onee-sama.

Rin: ...

Ryōna: What about Shinya? It's so wrong.

Satoshi: Be silent already, be-

Shinya: Onee-chaaan~

Ryōna: Shinya is at it again.

Satoshi: Ugh! *I run out the room*

Rin: where trying to warn me that Yuki is far too close to them aren't you?

Ryōna: Yes. I don't's all so so wrong. But I guess vampires are much different then humans.

Rin: You could say that. Incest is not uncommon for us and it's a shame like it is in the human world.

Ryōna: So what now Rin-san?

Rin: I will turn a blind eye to this, unless they do more then kissing that is.

Ryōna: I really don't like this...isn't this like cheating or something?

Keita: *I walk in* Hi Rin-san.

Rin: Hi Kei, it is indeed but I'm not what you would call a proper boyfriend that shows up once a blue moon.

Ryōna: You have a point.

Keita: What are you guys talking about?

Yukima: Rin...why didn't you tell me you came?!

Rin: Ah well, I ended up talking with Ryōna. Sorry Yuki, I was gonna announce you later.

Yukima: So, what where you guys talking about?

Everyone: ...

Shinya: Whys everyone so silent?

Satoshi: What did I miss?

Ryōna: Good one Satoshi. *I role my eyes*

Rin: Well, I was curious if she got what she wanted so I asked for the story of what happened when I was gone.

Yukima: I see, cool. I had to give in...I suck as a sister I know. *I give a little sigh* Come meet me in the living room when you're done chatting.

Satoshi: *I watch her leave then close her door room* Keita you best keep what you know to yourself too.

Keita: Don't worry about me. *I press two fingers together nervously*

Satoshi: I don't worry, but just to make sure.

Ryōna: He's too much of a pussy to speak up anyway.

Shinya: Onee would be annoyed to hear you swear Ryo.

Satoshi: Appologise Ryōna.

Ryōna: It's true tho! I'm only being honest.

Rin: You sure are mature for your age Satoshi-kun.

Satoshi: No abravations on my name please. You don't say?

Shinya: I won't say so! I act silly and cheerful get you all in a good mood. You guys wouldn't even notice that.

Rin: Oh Shinya-kun I would say you're the most immature of them all.

Shinya: You say what now?!

Satoshi: You're wrong about that, he's one of the strongest from us all. And good at making others feel comfortable around him. Also very stubborn kee-

Shinya: Hey!

Satoshi: *I shrug my shoulders*

Shinya: Not my fault you're such a softy and you will do everything Onee asks of you.

Ryōna: That's quite true Satoshi, why do you do this? You are strong like Shinya but you chose not to be.

Satoshi: Yeah, yeah she's my weakness okay?

Rin: Are you all still virgin?

Shinya: Nope.

Satoshi: What type of question is this?

Ryōna: You're not?!

Shinya: I'm not, remember I told you I ha-

Satoshi: *I place my hand over his mouth* Quit fooling around Shinya.

Keita: What's virgin mean?

Rin: It means that you've had sex.

Keita: *My face turns red and I start to tremble*

Shinya: *I push his hand away* You're just jelouse you haven't done it yet~

Satoshi: *I face palm myself*

Rin: Masturbation doesn't count.

Shinya: I know.

Rin: So you're telling me you've had your first time with Yuki am I correct?

Satoshi: *I hold out my hand*

Rin: *I kick him in the stomach* Oh no you won't!

Ryōna: What is wrong with you?! Satoshi are you okay?

Shinya: Heh! No erasing his memory bro. I have Rin.

Rin: Bad move there Satoshi, because of that I know can trust what Shinya said is true.

Satoshi: *I stand up punching the wall*

Shinya: What's so bad if he knows? The sooner he breaks up the better.

Rin: You're one sick prick Shinya.

Ryōna: I think you should leave, Rin-san and don't hurt Yuki with this knowledge.

Rin: You wouldn't want to get your memories whipped now would you? Put yourself in my shoes kiddo.

Ryōna: *I look away*

Satoshi: I can't have you hurt her feelings you get the right?!

Rin: Yeah, yeah...I won't tell don't worry. But as for that you're all watching me fuck her tonight.

Ryōna: *I cover my mouth*

Satoshi: You're one twisted hooligan.

Keita: Noo! *I run out scared*

Shinya: You dick!

Rin: Thank you for the compliments! Now who is even more messed up for double timing eh? Correct it is Yuki!

Satoshi: Don't bring her into this!

Shinya: You really want to die don't you?

Ryōna: He's kinda right you know.

Rin: Of course I am! Not that I'm acting like a proper boyfriend and all but doing such things with a taken woman is wrong in so many ways.

Satoshi: *I silently look at him*

Shinya: Dump her already then! And leave us the hell alone.

Rin: That won't solve anything, Satoshi will then be in your way.

Shinya: ...

Yukima: What's wrong?

Rin: *I open the door hearing her*

Keita: N-nothing.

Yukima: Keita, you know that you can tell me anything okay? It's going to be okay I promise you. *I stroke his hair*

Keita: They where arguing and I am scared.

Yukima: *I kiss his head* It's all okay now, don't worry.

Rin: Careful or you'll make him fall for you.

Yukima: Eh?!

Satoshi: *I shake my head* Onee-sama.

Yukima: What is it Sato-

Satoshi: *I place my hand on her forehead erasing the moment of what Rin said and me touching her forehead*

Ryōna: Did you just-

Satoshi: *I turn to her and place my finger on my lips sushing her*

Rin: You dirtly little kid.

Yukima: Don't talk like that to Satoshi! *I grip his wrist grabbing it tightly*

Keita: *I look down embaressed*

  -Two Hours Later-

Yukima: Rin?! If you want me to take my clothes of you should of just said so!

Rin: That's boring you know.

Keita: *I feel tears running down my eyes*

Satoshi: *I pull him into a hug holding onto him as I watch*

Ryōna: Do you think this barrier really makes us unheard as well?

Shinya: It does! It's just like Onee's barrier.

Satoshi: You don't have to look Keita, it's all okay.

Rin: You do! *I look straight at them*

Keita: Aaa!

Yukima: Huh?

Rin: You do know I love you.

Yukima: I know, don't worry Rin.

Rin: You naughty woman~ you don't believe me unless you feel my love heh. *I shove my dick into her gripping her wrists tightly I start instantly moving*

Yukima: Agkhh!

Shinya: I'm bored...he always does this each time he visits.

Ryōna: How many times do you watch this?!

Yukima: Nngghh!

Shinya: Each time for a bit until I get bored and return if I hear strange moans.

Rin: *I smirk and pull out shoving my dick into her mouth I cum down her throat*

Satoshi: That jerk!

Keita: He's a monster! *I start crying*

Ryōna: Your sick Shinya.

Satoshi: *I start petting his hair* Don't cry Keita, it's going to be okay.

Keita: *I stop crying and look at his sad eyes making me feel too ahsmaed to continue crying* I'm sorry for crying Satoshi.

Satoshi: At least after crying you feel better...I'm stuck with bad emotions.

Shinya: Oh brother, you drama queen.

Ryōna: Says the biggest drama queen ever.

Shinya: You little!

Rin: *I pull out of her mouth* Dear!

Yukima: *I cough pulling my hand towards my mouth*

Rin: You're not gonna whipe my cum off and waste it are you?

Yukima: Of course not! *I let my hand drop licking the cum off my lips*

Rin: Now open your mouth and drink everything that comes your way okay? *I watch as their expressions turn to fear and anger*

Yukima: mean golden shower?

Rin: Yes dear. Remember I have drunk yours.

Yukima: Not because I wanted you to!

Rin: True, but now it's my turn to try.

Yukima: Okay Rin.

Rin: It's baby not Rin.

Yukima: B-baby. *I open my mouth*

Shinya: *I fall to mg knees huffing*

Ryōna: What's wrong Shinya?

Shinya: She turns me on so much my body is all weak for Onee.

Rin: *I chukle*

Yukima: *I close my mouth and look at him confused*

Rin: I sound ridiculous don't I? What was I thinking? I'm so dumb.

Ryōna: Finaly realised just now?!

Yukima: No you're not! I...I'm the dumb one for being afraid. *I rub my knees together nervously*

Satoshi: ...

Keita: You're the best brother ever Satoshi.

Satoshi: You too. *I ruffle his hair*

Shinya: What about me?!

Keita: You too Kyōdai!

Rin: You like a bad boy don't you?~

Yukima: Y-yeah...*I look straight in front of me*

Ryōna: She's looking at us! Do you think she knows?

Satoshi: If she did then she wouldn't let us watch.

Shinya: Blow jobs feel so good~

Satoshi: Tell me you're joking.

Shinya: Nope, she gave me an amazing one last week.

Satoshi: You jerk, how could you force to do such a disgusting thing?!

Shinya: You're telling me you won't want to lick her pussy?

Rin: Hold still now. *I start to pee on her face*

Satoshi: Don't bring me into this. The worst thing for a woman is to-

Shinya: You're good at licking aren't you?

Satoshi: *I watch and sigh*

Rin: *I pee into her mouth and over her body*

Yukima: Nnngah~

Shinya: I saw you bro, don't deny it.

Ryōna: How did it feel licking her?

Satoshi: *I get so surprised I stumble out the barrier knocking against Yukima*

Rin: You asshole! Erase her memorie now and get back there!

Satoshi: *I hold out my hand nervously and I pause for a moment seeing her starting to cry*

Rin: Do it!

Yukima: Satoshi it's don't need to erase my memorie. Shinya has already seen many times.

Satoshi: *I let my hand down* Let me protect you Onee-sama.

Yukima: Alright...go ahead. But please don't say again. *I close my eyes*

Satoshi: I won't. *I erase her memories then rapidly get back into the barrier*

Shinya: Please tell me you erased the time she found out I was spying.

Satoshi: I did.

Shinya: *I kiss him*

Keita: W-wha?!

Ryōna: The hell? You gay or something?

Satoshi: *I look away pulling a face then I look at them again*

Rin: *I chuckle*

Yukima: Am I making a weird face?

Rin: You look so cute with my pee all over you. All it needs is my cum~

Yukima: Ah, thank you. *I smile*

Shinya: She sure likes being called cute.

Satoshi: It is her weakness after all.

Ryōna: Hmph.

Rin: Why don't you suck your brests?

Yukima: Suck them?

Rin: Yeah~ won't that be super sexy?

Yukima: I suppose so? *I grab my brests looking at them I gag smelling the piss*

Shinya: Rin you pisshead!

Rin: She is not me. *I silently move my lips using sign language then scratch my head when she looks at me*

Yukima: *I push my left boob up sucking on my nipple as I rub the other making me moan*

Rin: Ah~ very good~ Can you make yourself moan for me?

Yukima: *I stop sucking looking very embarrassed* I'm sorry, I can't.

Rin: Just masturbate dear~

Yukima: *My face turns bright red and I push my middle finger inside my pussy starting to masturbate as I bite my lip*

Satoshi: *I place a hand on my forehead*

Shinya: Sato- Hey Satoshi!

Satoshi: What?! *I turn away rubbing my eyes*

Ryōna: This isn't such a bad thing she's doing now, why are you crying for? Even Keita isn't crying.

Satoshi: Who said I'm...*I fall to my knees watching her as tears run down my face*

Rin: Pfft.

Yukima: I told you I can't!

Rin: Try harder!

Yukima: Yep! *I look at my trembling hands and insert two fingers rubbing them in and out rapidly as tears run down my eyes*

Shinya: I get it now...she's so painfully embarrassed that it hurts her...damn Satoshi, how did you know?

Satoshi: You think someone who is afraid of touching herself would act like an animal for ones pleasure to watch?!

Ryōna: You really do belong as hers.

Shinya: *I slap her*

Ryōna: *I look shocked at him* Ouch!

Keita: Sister! *I start crying again*

Ryōna: I'm f-

Yukima: Aaaah!

Rin: *I grab open her legs shoving my dick into her ass*

Yukima: Nggh~ Rin, can you pass me something to whipe my eyes? They kind-

Rin: *I pull out* Go on get something. *I kick her*

Yukima: Kyah! *I stumble to the ground and stand up my body is trembling as I grab my skirt rubbing my eyes on it*

Rin: That's the type of moan you should of done, the one you made was so lousy!

Shinya: He doesn't normal order her around...and this is just, so shit to watch.

Satoshi: He's doing this he's gonna want make me erase this moment from her mind.

Rin: *I shake my head*

Ryōna: You cocky jerk, Whoa she's almost going to touch us.

Rin: Hurry back here Yuki-mah!

Yukima: *I stand straight to my knees and tears rush down my cheeks* I...I think I have something in my eye, I'll quickly go see in the mi-

Rin: *I drag her by the foot*

Yukima: *I scrape my nails on the ground to try to stop him but I get pulled back* Nghh...

Shinya: Is he doing this on purpose or something?!

Satoshi: He is...because he knows she's important to us, and that's why he is getting back at us by treating her badly.

Rin: Right! Shall we get back to where we where?

Yukima: S-sure...

Keita: Make this stop already!

Ryōna: Why does she keep pretending everything is fine? Why won't she just stop him already?

Satoshi: She's doing it for him...somehow for the Rin she used to know.

Shinya: It's not like we made him this way or anything.

Yukima: *I scream and struggle*

Satoshi: Ugh, what torture is this?!

Yukima:'s too deep it hurts.

Rin: How deep can I go? *I  pull off then jump on her pushing as hard as I can*

Yukima: Kyaaaghhh! *Silava drips from my mouth as I cry in pain*

Rin: Ah~ I can feel your womb! *I shake my dick around touching her soft walls*

Yukima: *I faint*

Rin: Oh my~ *I pull out* I'm done here losers, hope you enjoyed the show! *I spread out my hand vanishing*

  -One Year Ago From Main Story-

Rin: Heeeeey!

Yukima: Hi Rin, I need to take them to school so could you please wait home for me?

Alright. I reply going into the house and see her brothers running passed me I watch how Shinya clings to her and Satoshi quielty stays by their side silently. I close the door and walk into the living room.

Kuro: Hi Rin.

Rin: How's it like having my girl as your master?

Kuro: She isn't my master.

Rin: You haven't done a pact with her yet?

Kuro: I'm now the family cat~ she doesn't want me as a servant. *I turn into a human*

Rin: I see...why did you not go berserk after I died?

Kuro: Who knows, let's play some video games.

Rin: Tch!

Reiko: Hi Rin!

Rin: I'm bored of video games sorry pall, hey up to have some sex?

Reiko: Always up for it!

Senaka: I don't think so baka.

Reiko: I'm a succubus so who you kidding?! Let's go Rin!

  -Half An Hour Later-

Yukima: What's wrong Senaka?

Senaka: *I sit up* Rin is having sex with Reiko.

Yukima: *I sigh* Don't you worry about it okay?

Senaka: *I look away* Easier said then done.

Hiruko: Why is Senaka sad Nyah~?

Senaka: Hehe~ *I rub her* who can stay upset with such a cute kitt~?

Yukima: Aww~ *I hug them both* You guys are so sweet.

Rin: *I walk in naked* Your turn Yuki.

Yukima: No thank you...

Rin: I said do it!

Hiruko: You sick piece of sick!

Rin: Tch! *I go back into the room slamming the door*

Reiko: She didn't want to did she?

Rin: Nope. Can I cum in you?

Reiko: Anything except that, sorry.

Rin: It's over. *I walk out* Come on Yuki!

Yukima: I don't want a threesome...

Rin: Not a threesome, we finished.

Yukima: Oh...Okay...*I walk into the room shocked to see cum on the floor*

Rin: *I grab her hands and insert my dick into her pussy*

Yukima: Khh! *I close my eyes*

Rin: *I move about rapidly*

Yukima: Ngghh! AH! Rin, get out! *I move forward when I notice he keeps going getting his dick out*

Rin: *I grab her arms holding them behind her I shove my dick hard inside starting to cum I feel her struggling and I hold her tightly stepping on her knees to stop her from moving away*

Yukima: *I freeze up when I feel him pulling out* Y-you cummed inside me?!

Rin: I did, you're going to be a mom dear.

Yukima: *I stand up slapping him*

Rin: That's not very nice is it dear?

Yukima: You jerk! *I push him out the door throwing his clothes to his face I stay on my knees crying*

Rin: *I push back in locking the door behind me* You forgot to lock the door.

Yukima: Get out! *I try opening the door and it won't open*

  -Few Hours Later-

Shinya: Onee! Dinner time.

Rin: She won't be having dinner tonight or will be taking you kids to school.

Shinya: Onee! Is that what you want?

Yukima: *I feel him gripping my arms really tight bending them behind my back* Yes, that's r-right!

Rin: You better keep it down or they will keep bugging us.

Yukima: I can't cummed so many many you-

Rin: I know right! I'm super seynan or something. *I do a pose* Yeah!

  -Next Day-

Yukima: The sun?! How long have we been-

Rin: You fainted dear, so you slept for quite a bit. You do know my cum has gotten you pregnant right?

Yukima: N-no way...

Rin: I know you through it won't be possible, but I am strong enough. My sperm probably made you pregnant the first squirt.

Satoshi: *I turn into my vampire form burning it the door with blue flames*

Rin: The hell? I never did-

Satoshi: Get the fuck out of this house now!

Rin: Pffft! Someone's angry!

Satoshi: *I send a blue bolt of lightning towards him*

Rin: Ugh! *I try burning it with my fire but it strikes me* Gyaah!

Satoshi: *I look at my sister trying my best not to cry from the sight I clutch my fists angry*

Rin: *I wave my hand up vanishing*

Yukima: Sa-to...shi. *I hold my hand out to him as tears flood my cheeks*

Satoshi: *I grab hold of her* Come now Onee, can I wash you?

Yukima: *I grab hold of just shirt and kiss him multiple times*

Satoshi: Mmh~ *I kiss with her until she pulls away and rests her head on my chest* Will you accept Onee?

Yukima: I accept! *I let him wash me and he cleans every part of my body without messing around after he dries my hair then dresses me without allowing me to do the sake for him* Don't leave me.

Satoshi: *I hold her on my lap stroking her hair* I will never leave you.

Yukima: S-something terrible happened...

Satoshi: Tell me when you're ready. *I kiss her head*

Yukima: *I push him down on the bed getting on top of him* It's really bad news.

Satoshi: Did he cum inside you? *I blush looking at her seriously*

Yukima: H-he did...a-and he did many many times.

Satoshi: *I sit up hugging her tightly*

Yukima: And he said he got me pregnant because...because his sperm is strong enough to do so.

Satoshi: I know Onee...I really wanted to stop him...but you told us not to interfear.

Yukima: I want you to be mine! And mine alone! I want want want you~

Satoshi: You have me I promise. *I bite my lip confused not really understanding what she means but it doesn't stop going through my mind*

Chapter 22: Rin becomes Hell Boy END-

Next Time: An exclusive chapter about the holiday celebrations. Next time Chapter 22: Celebration Specials.

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