Chapter 15: Reawakening Of The Fallen Queen.

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[BC]Norowareta Ningyō Ni Tojikomerareta(Jap)

[BC]Trapped In A Cursed Doll(English)

[B]Story Thus far:
Yukima is forced to drink blood from Seiya, Reo and Hiruko to correct the blood contract between them. Yukima doesn't manage to drink from Hiruko as she fights it. New relationships have been made and conflicts have occurred Reiko has gotten a new seal that allows her to freely use her powers when she wants even in human appearance. Everyone got attracted to Yukima's blood even the non vampires since the sent got stronger as more sucked from her. Sakura maked a move and scolded them all, Senaka loses it and gets angry making the atmosphere corrupted she attacks her anger at Reiko since she's mostly pervy and she sees mostly bad in her eyes.


[BC]Chapter 15 Reawakening Of The Fallen Queen.

Where's my body? Will I change? How will I cope with a new appearance and new memories? Will I lose myself the current person that everyone loves? Will anyone ever want me? Will...Will...All these questions swarm in Senaka's head as she knocks at the door Zuko was apparently staying in she waits with freight and regret of coming as Zuko opens the door and invites her inside. She steps in and he asks her if she would like a cup of tea. "No thank you" She answers very shyly and sits down on the sofa. He shurgs his shoulders and sits down next to her sipping his coffee. "Let me finish my coffee then we can go I hate a late nighter doing some work for the lab so bare with me." He tells her, Senaka bows her head thanking him as she takes out her flip phone sending a text message to her sister so she won't worry.

Yukima: *I get the text from Senaka that wakes me up and I get up creeping into Reiko's room. I smile seeing her sleep and I sneak in embracing her and closing my eyes*

Zuko: Now go inside my body and do not possess me.

Senaka: Okay.

Zuko: *I look into the mirror to make sure my eyes are still red then I teleport with putting a password into my phone then my phone glows making me reappear inside the lab. I wave at the secretary telling her she looks sexy then I move towards the A.C.O battle girls*

Lucifer: You're late today.

Zuko: Dude I had to make plans you think it was that easy to do?

Lucifer: Show me. *I Stop in front of a capsule*

Zuko: *I hand out three paper sheets with writing* Who's going to be this one's master now Regina is gone?

Lucifer: Hmm...Makoz has control over them so it'll be his decision to play with her or sell her off again.

Zuko: Makoz? That idiot is worse then me haha he's so twisted who wants fake humans to fuck? the real ones are more fun!

Lucifer: How so? *I keep reading his papers*

Zuko: Well when you kill them by fucking it feels amazing man you should do it with me sometime.

Lucifer: Do I look like I'm into that shit?! I got better things to do you pervert Incubus! *I hand his papers back* Be more interesting next time and not write only about sex with BDSM your so boring and waste of time. *I start to walk away*

Zuko: Hahaha! *I keep walking passed and suddenly stop at Stella's capsule* Damn she regenerated fast.

Senaka: KEEP GOING I can't stand this, much longer. It's disgusting how they keep these people.

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