*chapter fourteen*

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Vishnu, was not happy no he was not. The queen ship contest was turning out to be a total pain in his gut.

He had this glare in his glass clad eyes , the brothers looked at him thinking of solutions to appease him .

"Pretty, don't you want to go out today?" Vishnu , turned to look at Ahmad, " going out will be a fine idea at this moment before I kill something, being on that note where is my baby boy?"

"His having his afternoon nap , he'll be okay with mother and father Angel" Assam , said in a calm tone.

" I'll see him when we come back then , are you three going along with me ?" The brothers looked at him as if he asking a trick question.
" We're going with you Flower" Arson , replied to his question.

Vishnu , nodded and followed the brothers out . They went to find the king and queen to inform them of their departure. " Your majesties" Vishnu , greeted the two respectfully .

The king and queen became confused as they felt like they were facing someone above them.

" Hello Vishnu , how is your day so far dear?" The queen asked concerned.

" It's a delight your majesty" his tone was gentle but there was some irritation that could not be concealed.

The two looked at their sons for answers.

" Mother , father we're taking him out he needs to cool down " the two nodded but were truly worried. They bid the four goodbye .

The four took a carriage to the market . The market was bustling with activity .

Vishnu's eyes upturned into a slight smile as he saw the children playing in the market .

He walked forward and looked at all the things that were being sold in the market.

His eye was caught by a beautiful peace of clothing that looked too much like belly dancing clothing.

Instead of a skirt though it was a trouser. It was a charming outfit since Vishnu , liked to dance.

He walked to the shopkeeper and spoke to the woman politely.

" This is a beautiful peace miss , I'd like to buy it " the shopkeeper trembled feeling the other's majestic aura .

" Y..your majesty I'd be happy to sell this peace to you" .

Vishnu, frowned , " no need to be that frightened I'm not royalty " even though he said so ,his voice was dripping with authority.

Somehow the sight of the trembling woman irritated Vishnu. He looked at the servants that had followed them .

" It seems I'll have to trouble you to please buy the peace for me ,I'm afraid the lady is not comfortable with my presence" even his speech sounded odd.

The brothers looked at one another , then looked around them .

Everyone was kneeling , they knew Vishnu , would get even more irritated if he saw such a scene so they urged the people to stand.

They all did still trembling . The servants bought the peace of clothing and went to stand behind the princes.

Vishnu, turned and his heart broke seeing everyone trembling at the sight of him . The brothers were the only ones not affected by his aura.

" I mean no harm , please all of you , calm your hearts " his voice was soft yet authoritative .

The people finally looked up . They felt a calming aura from him now , which made them bow to show respect.

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