*chapter ten*

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The days passed in the palace but nothing was peaceful. The women had began to try and prove they were the best candidate.

They tried to earn favour from the princes but they seemed less than interested. The women believed  queens can do what they want when they want .

So they used all the privileges they could. They ordered the servants around til they were tired to the bone.

Do this , do that, the whole day orders were given around. Vishnu, watched the commotion with a frown on his lovely face.

  These people are human they should not be treated so , he thought In his mind.

Vishnu, began to walk toward Cali, who was busy making a servant kiss her feet and say how pretty they are .

"Stand" was his one order as he finally arrived , his voice was soft yet dripped with authority.

The servant could not disobey , something in him urged him to listen to the young man standing not far from him. "No! You may not stand!" shouted Cali.

"Who do you think you are, ordering someone I've punished to stand?". "Someone who knows when something is wrong and inhuman".

Vishnu, answered calmly, "queen you say?" asking that he smiled but his smile was not sweet like usual this one was full of ridicule.

"A queen is kind to her subjects not matter how low they may seem . After all a kingdom without subjects cannot thrive. Take that as advice her royal highness".

After hearing this Cali, stormed out angrily, thinking she'll get Vishnu, for embarassing her infront of a lowly servant.

The servant just stood there akwadly , Vishnu, turned to him, "go back to your duties and don't feel down for what she did". After saying that Vishnu, walked away without another word.

The servant was left in awe, "yes your majesty", he all but whispered. What Vishnu, did not know was that the was a mark that appeared just under  his heart, a small rose with a single red paddle.

His eyes had become more gentle yet stern showing love and strength at the same time.

"Mama!" Adnan, all but called his precious mama with excitement circling him.

Vishnu, smiled warmly at the little boy. "Yes baby boy?", "Mama I wrote you a song". "A song? Can I hear it?" he asked with a gentle voice.

"Yes mama" Adnan, all but nodded vigorously as he took Vishnu's hand and led him to the music room.

There he sat infront of the piano and began to play a melody , soft and soothing, he gave Vishnu, the song he wrote and asked him to sing it.

The song spoke of flowers and love , love for Adnan, love for everything and everyone around them. Vishnu, smiled and began to sing.

His voice ever so soft and melodious, it was soothing and somehow rang through the entire palace giving everyone who heard it a sense of serenity.

The three who where once again cooped up in their office worrying about the queen selection and the well being of their people, heard the sweet melody and stopped to listen.

Without going anywhere they knew who was playing the piano and who was singing , their two most charished loved ones'. Hearing the peaceful melody they stopped worrying and just listened .

The servants felt their aching bodies heal and became more energized.

They wanted to know the source of the sweet melody so they followed its sound which was how they ended up standing at the door enchanted by the sound coming from the room and the sight infront of them.

A picture of two angels one big and one small. The song finally ended and Vishnu, gave Adnan, a big kiss followed by a hug. "Thank you for the song baby boy".

"Mama I love you" the small boy said softly his tan cheeks turning a slight pink which was very cute.

"I love you too my little baby boy" Vishnu, said giving him another kiss on his forehead.

They finally noticed they had an audience , "hello everyone" greeted Vishnu, politely. "Since your all here , did you like the song?", "Yes your majesty we loved it" one of the servants answered enthusiastically.

She failed to notice she had called Vishnu, 'your majesty'. "I'm by far not a royal but forget about that mistake.

May you please draw up a bath for me?" he asked politely, "yes yo...I mean sir". The servant caught herself before she could say your majesty again.

The others honestly felt what she did, it was like instinct , they wanted to acknowledge the young man as their majesty , the highest of them all that could stand, next to their kings as a queen.

"You are dismissed and please inform me when it's done.

Dear I want to see the garden, come with mama?" Adnan,  was confused, "what garden?".

He had heard his mama say something about a garden once when they were having dinner but failed to question what garden he was talking about.

"Mama there is no garden in the palace". Vishnu, looked at the small child confused.

"Darling there is a garden in the palace believe me. Come with me I'll show you". 

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