*chapter four*

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Everyone ate silently til the queen broke it .

"Arizona, dear can you tell us more about yourself?", "oh yeah, I'm Arizona, I live in India.
I'm here for a little vacation from my life and I'm also a hairdresser".

Vishnu, was surprised, he did not know Arizona, actually had a job .Maybe that's why she sometimes never came home early, could it be that the salon is open 24hours a day?.

The queen nodded, "you Vishnu, dear?" ,"well I'm Vishnu, as you all know, I also live in India, I'm married to Arizona, and we have a five year old daughter .

She's very lovely I bet you'd all like her, I work as the manager of finance in my parents' company".

"That is wonderful both of you, Arizona, maybe you can help me out with my unruly hair".

"Yes I will", "welcome to our land both of you" said the king with a smile.

As they continued eating , Vishnu, noticed a little boy among them, he was cute with big green eyes , jet black hair and tan skin. He knew for sure this was the son , Ahmad, was talking about.

He looked about six and seemed to be struggling to eat his food with the utensils they had given him.

He stared at him for a moment then spoke, "hey handsome little guy what's your name?" His voice was sweet and loving that the boy looked up .

For a moment he stared at Vishnu, curiously then spoke, "I'm prince Adnan Akil Bishara". "Its a pleasure to meet you Adnan , I'm Vishnu , now watch me and do the same".

Vishnu, showed Adnan, how to eat with the utensils , when the boy got it right he shinned with pride.

"Good boy", Vishnu, praised making Adnan ,shine more. Everyone was amazed , Adnan, had never smiled like that before, okay everyone was amazed accept Anita and Arizona.

They were just annoyed at all that was happening. From then on everyone ate quietly with the three brothers staring at Vishnu, who was eating happily.

Lunch finally ended and Vishnu, stood up to go and explore the palace. He walked out and heard a small pitter patter of feet running behind him.

He looked behind and saw Adnan, coming towards him that made him halt his movement.

"Hey baby boy where are you going?", "I was following you", "okay", Vishnu, said with a smile , "can I ask you something ?" Asked Adnan, looking down at his tiny , expensive ,black shoes.

"Yes baby boy you can". "Would you be my mother too?" The question confused Vishnu, "I'm not a mother to anyone dear", "you said you have a daughter".

Vishnu, smiled , "I do have a daughter but she calls me daddy not mother".

Adnan, nodded, "I already have a mother that I call Anita , I have three fathers that I call dad , daddy and papa so will you be my mother?" he asked again , his voice and eyes were ever so innocent and hopeful.

Vishnu, just gave in, "okay then baby boy , I'll be your mother". Adnan, threw his small body in Vishnu's arms.

"From now on I'll call you mama", Vishnu, smiled and took Adnan's little hand. "Be my guide baby boy?" he asked sweetly , "yes mama".

They walked around the palace but the place Vishnu, loved the most was the garden it was so beautiful and magical , straight out of a fairytale.

He played with Adnan, the whole day happily til it was time for his bath and then supper.

The servants came to get Adnan, who refused to come with them , it was always a battle having to bathe the stubborn child.

"Prince Adnan, please" , "no" was all he said. Vishnu, had finally had enough, "dear you need a bath, you do want to smell like a Prince don't you?" Adnan, nodded.

"Besides dear no son of mine would refuse to take bath, do it for mama yes?", "Yes mama". "Mama?", "yes dear", "can you do it?","do what?", "give me a bath, of cause".

Vishnu, picked the small boy up and followed the servants who were surprised by what they were seeing.

Vishnu, lovingly gave Adnan, a bath and dressed the small boy. Vishnu, found himself smiling lovingly at the boy.

**********************************Enjoy 😘

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