*chapter one*

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Vishnu, lay on his bed looking at the dark roof , the clock kept ticking yet his wife Arizona, was still not back home .

He wondered where she was at 1:00am in the morning , his daughter Luan, was fast asleep the cute five year old was so innocent she did not even realise what her father was going through.

He tossed and turned but still could not sleep, when thinking in a few hours he would have to go to work he felt even more exhausted.

Why should he work anyway? he asked himself, but even he knew the answer . Though his family was crazily rich he still had to play his part.

Even though his a triplet and they looked alike he noticed some differences between him and his two siblings.

They showed only after he had completely matured , he noticed how lighter his brown eyes got even lighter than his mother's eyes , his were almost gold the reason he started wearing shaded  glasses though he could see just fine.

His hair was softer, darker and grew faster, the reason he never bothered to cut it only placed in in a messy burn. His lips were heart shaped and a glistening pink .

So though him, Rakish and Misha looked alike he was very different. His alarm clock rang making him groan in annoyance. He was still tired but had to take Luan, to kindergarten.

He took a shower put on his work clothes and went to make breakfast before going to wake Luan, up.

"Hey baby girl time to wake up" said Vishnu, in a soft voice that never seemed to get any higher. "Daddy?", "Yes baby its me" , the little girl woke to show her beautiful brown eyes .

He got her up , gave her a bath and put on her clothes before doing her hair in pretty pigtails. The two ate breakfast happily , Vishnu, loved his little girl she was just so beautiful and sweet.

"I see you made breakfast" said Arizona, entering the kitchen. Vishnu, looked back at her. "Where are you coming from?" asked Vishnu, curiously.

"That dear husband it's non of your business, I need to leave my life, let me have some privacy". "Mommy your back" said Luan, happily, Arizona, just looked at her wondering why the girl was not a boy . 

"Anyway I need to rest later I'm going out again". "Arizona, you cannot just leave you need to make dinner, I'll be late today and also Luan, needs to be picked up from school".

Arizona, looked at Vishnu, like he was crazy, "dear husband why do you think I look this gorgeous? It's because of my beauty sleep which I need " Vishnu, did not say a word just stared at her.

"Baby are you done we need to get going" he said to Luan, who nodded her head happily. Vishnu, left with his daughter and one thing was clear to him if Arizona, did not change he was leaving her and taking Luan, with him.

Arizona, saw the look on Vishnu's face and got really scared she could not leave him  he could not leave her , she needed him or rather his family background.

Arizona, took out her phone and called her old friend, it seemed she needed to make Vishnu, fall for her again and to do that she organised a little trip.

Vishnu, got to Luan's   kindergarten and took her in, he gave the little girl, her tiffin and a loving kiss that was more motherly than fatherly even Luan, thought so.

She loved her father so much that she always wanted to be with him . "I'll come pick you up after school okay baby girl", "yes daddy" Luan, said giving Vishnu, a big hug.

Vishnu, then drove to work where he was copped up in the office the whole day til it was time to pick up Luan.

**********************************Hey everyone this is the third book of  'loving bleeding heart' and 'being his twin sister' . 


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