*Thirty Three*

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years,  before Vishnu and Arizona visited Bishara

The King was in his study drinking some whisky when he felt something was wrong he went out of the palace and just at the gate he met an old woman who smiled at him. She looked happy to see him, " I have good news for you son, the new Queen will be coming soon" the king was skeptical for about a moment then the old woman pointed at a certain conner in the palace.

There the king saw his sons playing around happily with a really beautiful man but that was the problem the person was a man.  He looked on appalled as his sons kissed the man and looked at him lovingly.

He clenched his fists angrily " no! this will not happen" dark thoughts swirled around his mind as he looked at the scene again. The old woman lost her smile as she looked at the king.

" Your thoughts will be your end" with that she vanished and the king awoke he looked around his study and began to make plans there was no way he was going to let his kingdom be ridiculed all because of such a ridiculous fit as destiny.

He went and met up with a seer a great woman who had powers from beyond, he knew the woman was all about being  good and would not do as she was told so he formulated the perfect plan.

He visited the woman's family which only consisted of two sisters as their parents had long passed. The elder sister smiled as the youngest washed her clothes. The girl looked dissatisfied with having to do the work herself so she kept complaining.

The sister just kept painting as she was done with hers. " I want more than this life sister" The elder woman turned to her little sister. " Be happy with what you have Ani if you are meant for more it will happen just wait for your calling in life" the girl pouted unsatisfied by her sister's words.

" I want to be married to a rich husband," she said standing up and dancing around happily as if she could already see that part of her life. " A rich husband? Sounds intriguing but I'd rather fall in love " Anita, snorted as if her sister was naive.

" Sister love is for foolish people look at the bigger picture, me as a rich Mrs. I could have everyone at my feet" Mara laughed at that and went back to her painting.

Once it was finished she looked at it and froze, a vision came to her and she was awakened by her sister's voice. "Why are you crying?" Anita asked concerned.

" Please promise me Ani don't fall into temptation not everything is as it seems not everyone has a happy ending and not every end of the rainbow has a treasure " Anita, was confused by her sister's rambling.

She knew about her sister's gift but never took it seriously.  Two weeks after the incident Anita was back to rambling about riches and husbands. That's when they had a special visit from the one and only king of Bishara.

They bowed before him Mara looked at the man her spirit telling her something is wrong, she hated how she  could not see her sister's future. That was the downside of her gift it worked on everyone but her family which was why she could not predict her parents' death .

" Afternoon ladies I came to have a word with a certain special young lady " this was said of cause looking at Mara.

Though unnerved she still welcomed him into their home. " How may I be of assistance to the king?" the king smiled at her. 

" I have a problem that needs your assistance, I want you to stop the revelation of the destined queen" Mara jumped up from her chair at that.

" with all due respect,  my king I will not do such a thing and the other problem is even if I agree I can't do it as my power has its limit " the king nodded.

" Then temper with the revelation " Mara still disagreed which prompted the king to leave in disappointment. He was not one to give up though, he found out all he can about the sisters and knew mara's weak link.

He found Anita and tempted her with riches and being the next Queen for one of his sons. Anita without thinking agreed blinded by greed. She told Mara who tried to make her understand that the king was bad but she refused to see reason.

She left with the king and did everything the king told her such as seducing the princes which ended up with her having Adnan.

At this time the king had Mara where he wanted her, Vishnu and Arizona arrived and the revelation began Mara tempered with everything and made the women chosen by the king to bare the queenship mark.

The king thought the plan would work but what he had not counted in was his sons falling naturally for their queen. Their love spoiled the whole thing, Anita kept the painting her sister had painted that day.

It showed her imprisoned in a golden cage surrounded by shadows waiting to devour her and her sister crying. The picture became a reality she lost her only sister with the king lying to her that Mara had fled to another kingdom. She was stuck as the king's puppet, she only found solace in drinking.

She couldn't find it in her heart to love her child as he was a very huge reminder of her mistakes. 

Now back to the present

Everyone looked at the king and Vishnu smiled " well your plan was solid but so was mine pity your years of hard work went up in flames just like that " the king looked at him " how did you do it?" Vishnu smiled at the question.

"Well you see I once saw you arguing with Anita and I found that quite odd I was going to leave since it was non of my business until my name came up"

******************************************** Double update I'm on a roll people enjoy😘😘

THEIR INDIAN QUEEN*(BOOK 3)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora