* chapter twenty one*

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Amaya, looked at her husband with determination, " Amir, I need your help with something" .

Amir, smiled then looked at his wife, " yes" Amaya, took a deep breath, " my sister is in the contest to become queen as you know, but there's a problem " .

Amir, sighed listening to his wife, he just did not get it, why did his wife insist on treating her little sister as if she was still a child that needed to be protected .

" What is it this time?" He asked now a bit annoyed . " I want you to help me make someone disappear so my sister can have a greater chance at winning" .

Amir, frowned instantly hearing that, " listen, you better not involve me in this matter, I will not temper with fate for anyone, not even your precious little sister, is that clear" .

Amaya, got very angry hearing that, " you've always been a coward, why did I think you could help me with this? I should have married another man who had more guts than you" she spat.

" In that case, do what you want, when your actions come to bite you back, don't come crying to me " with that he went back to sorting out the paperwork on his desk .

Amaya, was so mad she banged the door when she was going out . " If this coward won't help me then I'll do it myself " with that she took out her phone and called her old contact .

The phone rang twice before it was answered, " hey who's this?" The man asked .

" Hey Star, it's me" Amaya, said with a sweet, flirty voice. " Oh Aya, are you finally tired of that uptight husband of yours and your finally ready to be with a real man?" The man asked with a smirk in his voice.

" No, but I do need your help, if you do this well enough for me, I'll do anything you want" she said that slowly and seductively.

The man grunted and groaned, " now that's my girl, so what's up?" Amaya, smirked darkly at that question.

" There's a pest I want you to take care of " Star, raised his brow while smiling happily.

" So who do you want me to kill Aya?" He got right to the point. " Vishnu Raizada, I'll send you more details , just make sure you do not leave any evidence behind okay?" .

" Sure" Star, replied, taking another swig at his cigar .

As Amaya, was busy planning Vishnu's doom, the said man was running around the palace chasing a very naughty little boy .

The were playing tag, the laughter made everyone in the palace smile but two women , since one was very confident that her sister was going to take care of Vishnu.

She had nothing to worry about anymore, so Sal, for the first time was also smiling happily.

" Daddy! Help!" The naughty Adnan, yelled running to Ahmad, who happened to be passing by the hallway where the two where playing .

He crouched down and caught the running boy with a huge smile playing on his lips .

" Well that's not fair, how come when it's my turn you get a helper?" Vishnu, pretended to pout angrily looking at Adnan, with his big golden eyes .

Adnan, gasped, " but mama, I don't want to loose " he said with a cute voice .

Vishnu, smirked , " oh since you got a helper I'll go reign in reinforcements too" with that he turned around and went to find either one of the remaining brothers.

" Daddy, catch mama, he'll make me loose , run daddy!" Ahmad, did as told and Vishnu, hearing that began to run too .

The laughter became even more appearant now and the servants had to shake their heads at the threes childish behavior .

Vishnu, was about to be caught when he bumped into Assam, who was opening the door of their study .

He wrapped his arms around the beauty that almost bumped into him and grinned .

" My luck is so good today, that I caught a beauty as soon as I left the study" Vishnu's cheeks flushed but he still remembered his mission .

"Assam, thank God, you came, you're part of my group in tag now" Vishnu, declared without asking the other's opinion, not that the said man would refuse.

"Mama, your cheating too" Adnan, protested . Vishnu, giggled at his cuteness then faked his seriousness which was kind of hard since he wanted to laugh so bad .

" You started first, now it's fair, let the double tag begin" with that Ahmad, started running and the two chased after him and Adnan.

" Daddy, run faster their catching up!" Adnan, yelled while laughing his head off .

It was so noisy that Arizona and Anita, almost blew a fuse . " What the hell is going on with the princes?" Arizona, questioned .

" Your ex-husband is going on" Anita, sneered. " This is really an insult to the royal household, how can the princes be playing like little children, when their supposed to be busy taking care of business?" .

The three women clenched their firsts in hatred looking at the running bunch. " Prince Arson, is more sensible let's go and report his brothers' behavior to him " .

Anita, suggested. The two women nodded in agreement and they went to the three's study .

Arson, was dealing with the last of his paperwork, when he heard a knock on the door .

He did not reply at all , so the women knocked for a while. Finally he told them to come in .

" Good afternoon your highness" Arson, looked at them and felt a headache coming on .

Did the gods of the desert hate them so much that, they made such women, their queen candidates?.

" We have a complaint prince Arson" Anita, began . Arson, knowing he was going to be annoyed by whatever it was looked at the three women .

"Arson, left the study some time ago, how can you not know how to tell us apart?" He asked with a calm tone .

The three women became flustered hearing that . It seemed like they had gotten the wrong prince .

The thing was though, which one was the prince infront of them? Assam or Ahmad?

The whole room fell into silence as the the three women wracked their brains to find out which prince was who.

*************************************** Hi everyone I hope you had a good day here's an update enjoy 😘

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