*thirty one*

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Vishnu, opened his eyes to a warm breeze blowing , he noticed he was held in someone's embrace. He sighed snuggling to the warm body , he felt comfortable even with his thoughts once again racing within his mind .

A grunt broke him out of those thoughts, he looked at the handsome man who held him in his arms and smiled . " Morning Ahmad" the man returned the smile , "morning pretty" .

They stayed like that for a few minutes just enjoying each others company . It was silent for those particular few minutes .

Of cause peace would not rain for such a long time,  the two were startled by two little ones who ran into their embrace making the two chuckle.

" morning mama and daddy!" The two exclaimed happily ,  " morning darlings" Vishnu,  said kissing the two on their foreheads lovingly .

Ahmad, greeted them too,  " breakfast is ready " Luan,  announced happily making Adnan,  nod . The boy was happy to have his little sister with him.

The family walked to the dinning room to have their breakfast . Anita,  on the other side sat on the dinning table lost in thought . she was contemplating her life choices,  but that was truly not what had her silent .

Her eyes moved to Vishnu,  who was smiling with his family the man looked happy unlike her . She knew she was the cause of her own unhappiness but was not yet willing to  accept that fact .

She stood up roughly making the others turn to her ,  without a word she walked away her hills could be heard clicking with every step she took .

Vishnu,  looked at her fading figure with an unreadable expression. His eyes seemed to turn a little darker but he soon went back to normal when he felt a soft tug on his shirt .

It was his little baby Adnan,  the little one wanted his mama's attention which Vishnu,  was happy to give .

Luan,  on the other hand seemed to be more drawn to her three fathers who were more than willing to give their little princess everything she asked for .

The morning passed quickly with Vishnu,  feeling an unsettling feeling at the pit of his stomach .  He knew something was amiss,  his gut feeling was never wrong .

The three seemed to notice how restless he was,  " are you alright Pretty?" Ahmad,  was the first to ask breaking the ice . Vishnu,  shook his head no,  " I'm uneasy and i don't know why" he said with a soft sigh.

Arson,  stared at him as he also knew nothing was okay he had noticed some odd behaviors from a few unexpected people .

" May i use your private library I'm looking for something " Vishnu,  asked thinking about the crest he held in his possession.  The three nodded and Assam,  took him to the library .

Vishnu,  spend some time looking through the books until he found a certain one he was looking for . His fist clenched when he looked at the information written on it .

He had hoped he was wrong ,  he truly wished he was .

Inside a small house a woman was busy making a potion,  she thought about the man who had asked her for it . He wanted to tell the man how the destined queen was protected by certain powers but she knew her words would fall on deaf ears .

Another thing plaguing her mind was her lost sister,  the man had promised to find her hence why she had no qualms with helping him .

"Is it done?" A gruff voice came from behind her making her turn,  " have patience it is not that easy to make" she said going back to maxing the ingredients of the potion .

" Did you get a lock of his hair?" She asked hopefully,  " not yet " he said frowning . " He's always surrounded by those three " the thought made him sigh .

" I'm doing this for the good of the kingdom" he spoke pacing a bit ,  the woman laughed mockingly hearing those words . " Are you?" She bagan walking closer to him,  " tempering with fate can never bring about anything good,  just say you're selfish and move on " with that she turned back to making the potion .

Vishnu,  paced around the library wondering what he should do,  how to confront the situation . His feet took him right out of the library and to an unknown destination .

He stopped when he heard silent cries coming from a certain direction which he followed . His mark was itching and it began to burn as he walked further .

This made him stop though he was curious,  it made him uneasy how his mark burned . Biting his bottom lip he closed his eyes and just stood there,  that's when he heard voices .

" You have to get it for me" the man's voice was all but a gruffy growl ,  " i do not wish to be part of your ploy anymore " a female voice replied .

" You do not have a choice,  your sister is under my control" the man threatened .

"No! You told me she was killed by bandits " her voice was filled with anger and anguish . The man laughed he seemed to find her words amusing for some reason .

Vishnu,  knew those voices he stood there motionless as the man told the woman what to do . He turned away from the scene to go and formulate a plan .

If the man thought things would go his way he was dead wrong . Anita,  once again held a glass of wine in her hand ,  she was intoxicated yet the words the man had told her stuck in her mind .

She could not believe how stupid she was,  how naive,  now everything was coming back to bite her . She thought of Vishnu,  the man was chosen and she knew she never stood a chance to fight for the throne.

Yet she had hoped it was possible after all she had been showered with lies and empty promises . Her lips tilted up in a mocking smirk as she looked at her mark ,  a mark that was human made and not chosen by destiny .

******************************************Hello and enjoy 😘

THEIR INDIAN QUEEN*(BOOK 3)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant